Is that really you?

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"Can I tell you a secret?" Hope says to me, I'm sitting alone in the living room. Everyone is out of the house except for us two.
"Sure, what's up?"
"You know how Dad has another brother named Henrik?"
"Yeah, he doesn't like to talk about him."
"I can bring him back."
"How, he has been dead for thousands of years?"
"I saw in one of my dreams of how to bring him back. I need something of Henrik's, then all the living originals' blood. Will you help me?"
"Of course."
"Caroline, no one can know about this. Not even Dad." She says.
"I promise i wont tell him."
"Good,we need to do it on the next full moon."
"That's tonight."
"I know. We need to work together to get everything."
"I can find something of Henrik's and get Rebekah, Freya, Klaus, and Elijah's blood."
"I'll get Uncle Kol's."
"They should be home soon. How much blood do you need?"
"Not much, a drop will be fine." She says.
"Okay." I say and everyone returns home.
"Hey! How did it go?" I ask them.
"Very unsuccessful." Rebekah says and sits next to me.
"Can I talk to you, privately." I ask Rebekah.
"Yeah, we can go in the garden." She says and we walk outside.
"What is it Caroline?" She says when we sit on the swing.
"Don't hate me for this, please."
"For wh-" I cut her off by snapping her neck. I cut her arm a little and get some blood. I pick her up and carry her up to her room without anyone noticing.
I walk into the kitchen where Elijah is.
"Hello." Elijah says.
"Elijah, I need your help."
"With what?"
"I am getting Klaus a present, but I need help sneaking it in the house."
"Where is it?"
"In the garden, Rebekah is distracting Klaus for me."
He nods and we walk outside to the garden.
"Where is it?" He asks.
"Right here." I say and speed behind him to snap his neck.
"Sorry!" I say and draw some of his blood. I pick him up.
"God Elijah, you're heavy." I put him in his bed. Hope spelled the rooms so they couldnt leave.
I shut ELijah's door behind me and walk to the living room where Freya is.
"Hey CAre." She says. I sit next to her.
"Hey. What are you reading?"
"Just some book Elijah saidI should read."
"Is it boring?"
"Very, i dont know how he got through all of it." She turns the page. "Ow!" She says, "Paper cut."  This is too perfect.
"Here let me help." I say and wipe the blood onto my finger.
"Do you know where the bandaids are?" She asks.
"Hope's room." I say. She walks into the room and doesn't come out. Means Hope spelled it.
I put the blood in a holder and place it on the coffee table. I walk up to Klaus' room. He's painting.
"Hello love."
"Hey." I say and walk behind him. I wrap my arms around his torso. "What are you painting?"
"Not sure yet."
"I have a question, and dont get mad."
"What is it?" He says turning to face me.
"Do you have anything of Henrik's."
"I do, why are you asking?" He says.
"You never talk about when you were human and i just wanted to know a little about your brother."
He walks over to an old arrow in his dresser.
"This was the arrow he when he completed his first hunt." He says and give it to me.
I sit it on the side table and wraps my arms around is neck.
"I love you."
"I love you to-" Snap. I kiss his forehead and draw some blood. I run out of the room with the blood and arrow.
I see Hope in the living room with the rest of the blood.
"We need to hurry, we dont have much time." I say and we both speed into the woods behind the house.
"Here!" Hope says.
"What do you need me to do?"
"Put the blood on the arrow, I can do everything else." I pour the blood on the arrow and sit in on the ground. Hope starts chanting, her nose starts bleeding.
"Hope, stop, you're hurting yourself." She doesnt listen and continues chanting.
Soon, the arrow disappears and a little boy appears. He is a little older than Hope, he is about 15.
"Who are you? Where am I?" He says.
"Hope, you did it!" I say and Hope smiles. "Henrik, it's okay. We can take you to your family."
"Okay." He says and stands up. "Who are you?" He asks us.
"I'm your niece, Hope."
"I'm Caroline, Niklaus is my husband." I say and lift my hand to show him my ring.
"Niklaus married someone?" He says.
"What about Elijah, Rebekah, Kol, Freya?" He asks.
"Elijah married Hope's mother Hayley. Rebekah is dating a man named Stefan. Kol married my best friend Bonnie. Freya isnt with anyone, she's focusing on her magic."
"Is Elijah your father?" Henrik asks Hope.
"No, Niklaus is."
"Nik has a daughter?"
"Yes." She says and smiles.
"I'm an uncle."
"Here we are." I say, "At the barriers down?"
"Yes, everyone is in the living room." Hope says and I open the door.
"Caroline! What did you do?" Klaus says.
Hope and I step to the side, Henrik walks through the door.
All the originals stare and him, they don't say anything.
"Nik." Henrik whispers, then runs and hugs Klaus.
"I cant believe it, I never thought we would see you again." Rebekah says and hugs her little brother.
"Henrik!" Kol says and hugs him as well.
"Big brother." Henrik says looking at Elijah. Rebekah wipes away a tear.
Henrik hugs Elijah.
Bonnie walks over to me, "Who is he?"
"Their little brother." I say and smile.
"How are you back?" Elijah says.
"I only went to sleep after Nik and I saw the werewolves transform." He says. Elijah turns to me and Hope.
"Hope performed a spell to bring him back."
"Back from where?" Henrik asks.
"That's a story for another time." Elijah says.
Henrik turns to Bonnie, "Are you Hope's mother?"
"No, I'm Kol's wife, Bonnie." She says.
He turns to Hayley, "Your Hope's mother and Elijah's wife?"
"Yes, I'm Hayley."
Freya walks downstairs and stares at Henrik, "That cant be."
"Freya!" He says and hugs her.
"Henrik." She whispers before she starts crying.
"Don't cry." Henrik says and wipes her tears away.
Klaus just stares at Henrik like a prized possession. I walk over to him, "Klaus, it's okay, you wont hurt him." I whisper to Klaus.
"I'm the reason he died."
"No, you're not." I say. "How about we make dinner, I bet you're hungry. You slept for a long time."
"That would be lovely, thank you Caroline." Henrik says.
Bonnie, Hope, Hayley and I walk into the kitchen to start cooking.
Henrik follows us, "May I help, I love cooking?"
"Of course." Bonnie says.
"Here, cut the celery." Hope says and hands him the supplies. Hope sits on the stool in front of him.
"So Henrik, we've never met you, tell us about you?" I say and put some water to boil.
"My name is Henrik Mikaelson. I'm the youngest of the Mikaelsons. I like cooking and watching mother do spells. She told me I was a witch too, just untapped. I love spending time with Nik, he's my favorite sibling, don't tell them I said that. Nik would annoy me forever if he knew he was my favorite." Henrik says. "Rebekah and I would swim in the lake together. Elijah taught me how to read, then he gives me books to read. Kol and I talk about girls, it was his speciality, and from saying Bonnie, it still is." Bonnie smiles. "Freya and I would grow plants in the garden. It was our little thing. I was scared of father. Speaking of father, where is mother and father?" We all look at each other.
"Don't lie to me this time." Henrik says.
"They're dead." Bonnie says.
"What year is it?" Henrik says.
"2017." Hayley says.
"How am I still alive?" Henrik asks.
"You were killed the night you and Klaus went to see the wolves. Hope used her magic to bring you back."
"And how are my siblings still alive?"
"After you died, your mother made them into immortal beings, called vampires. Klaus is the original hybrid, because Mikael isn't his father, a werewolf is. The rest of your siblings are original vampires, they are the strongest beings on the planet." I say.
"And me, I'm not a vampire?"
"No, I don't think so."
"Are you all vampires?" He asks.
"I'm a tribyrid. Witch, werewolf, and vampire." Hope says.
"I'm a hybrid, werewolf and vampire."
"I'm just a vampire." I say.
"Where is Stefan? You mentioned a Stefan."
"Stefan is out with his niece."
"And he's a vampire too?"
"Yes, a lot older than us."
"Did my parents have any more kids?"
"No." I say.
"I need to speak with Nik." Henrik says and walks away.
Klaus' POV
Henrik is back. I don't know or really care how, I'm glad he is back.
"Nik, can I talk to you?" Henrik says coming from the kitchen.
"Yes." He says and we walk up to my bedroom.
"Why Caroline?"
"Because I'm in love with her." I say.
"Are you sure?"
"Henrik, I wouldn't have married her if I wasn't sure."
"Do you not trust her?"
"Not at all, she seems like a lovely person."
"She is."
"She has you wrapped around her finger."
"Elise had you the same way." I say, referring to his girlfriend, that no one knew he had but me.
He hits my arm. I laugh.
"I've missed you Henrik." I say.
"We should go hunting or you can teach me to paint, like we used to do."
"Would you look to see some of my pieces?" I ask.
"Yes." He says and we walk into my studio, usually no one is allowed in here.
"You paint Caroline?"
"Yes, mainly. I've painted lots of things." He continues looking around.
"This is me." He says.
"My very first completed piece that I saved. I painted it a few months after you died."
"Thank you Niklaus, for not forgetting me." He says.
"I could never forget you Henrik." I say.
"I want to spend time with each of you."
"Elijah is in the library across the hall in the library, if you want to read with him again."
"That would be nice." He says. "Tomorrow morning, we are painting together, I'll be better than you." He says and smirks, then walks across the hall.
I walk back to my bedroom, Caroline is laying in bed watching tv.
"Hey." She says, she sounds like she is about to fall asleep.
"You sound tired."
"I am, it's been a long day. I trapped four originals and snapped three of their necks. Then I helped bring Henrik back."
I lay down next to her, "which I will forever be grateful for."
"I think I know a way to make it up to me." She says and smirks.
"Scandalous, love." I say.

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