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"Klaus, we can't keep sneaking around like this." I say and lay next to him on the bed.
"Oh, but love I think we can."
"What if someone catches us."
"They won't." He says and looks at me.
I get a phone call.
"Caroline! Where are you? We can't find Klaus!" It's Elena.
"I'm out shopping. I thought I told Bonnie." I say and look back at Klaus.
"Well get your ass over here, we need to plan our next move."
"Let me drop my stuff at my house, then I'll be there."
"Okay bye Care."
"Bye!" I hang up the phone.
"We need to go public or break up."
"Caroline, what's so bad about keeping a secret?" He says.
"Because my friends hate you, and all they talk about is how they hate you. I don't like when they talk about you like that. They don't see what I see." I say.
"If it's really what you want, we can tell them." He says.
"I love you." It just came out. This is the first time I said I love you to him.
He sits up quickly, "You what?"
"I-I love you. I used to hate that I loved you! You're the enemy, I shouldn't feel this way about you, but I do. I do. I love you. I love you more than you'll ever know." I say.
"I love you too." He says and I smile. I kiss him.
"Now we have to tell people." I say and he laughs.
"I think it will be best if I tell them without you."
"I agree. They don't like me and I don't like them." Klaus says and stands up. "I'm going to get a drink, call me after you tell them."
"Okay! Bye, love you."
"I love you too Caroline." He says and walks out the door.
I enter the house and call out Elena's name.
"In here Care!" She screams from the kitchen.
Everyone is here except Bonnie. Damon, Stefan, Elena, Tyler, Jeremey, and Matt.
"We found Klaus, he's at a bar." Damon says.
"We're going to kill Kol tonight, he's not sired to any of us, and it will hurt Klaus." Elena says.
"No." I say.
"No? Caroline he tried to kill you, Klaus tried to kill all of us. But we can't kill him, but we can cause him a lot of pain." Tyler says.
"No! You're not killing Kol or any of his siblings!"
"Why Care? Why does he deserve to live?" Stefan says.
"Because I'm in love with him. A-and if you hurt any of them, I will kill you so fast." I say.
"How could you?" Matt says.
"You Love him?" Stefan says.
"You choose him over us?" Elena says.
"Stop! I love him! You always see the bad in him! You don't try to understand! And with him, I'm not the second choice, I'm his first choice! So don't you dare hurt him or anyone he loves." I scream at them.
"Care, think about this. We have been there for you, we care about you more than he ever will." Elena says.
"No! No, you don't. Who came when I was kidnapped by Kai, god! You guys didn't even know that happened to here too worried about who you're taking to the dance! Or which brother you were going to screw this time! Who comforted me when I was crying at my mother's grave? None of you were there, you were all too busy planning how to kill the one man I love, the one man who means anything to me! I stood by you when you fell in love with Damon, who I hated so much! Who used me. I stood by all of you! I expected the same for me, but apparently that was too much." I slam my hands on the table and it breaks. I speed out the door. I just want to see Klaus.
Damon follows me, "Caroline?" He says.
"What do you want?" I say, not looking at him.
"It probably won't mean anything, but I'm okay with you and Klaus. I was kind of hoping you would get together."
"It does mean something, I'm glad one of you understands."
"Any Time blondie." He says and I give him a hug.
"I really do love him."
"I know." Damon says.
I walk back to my car, and drive home.
Klaus is in the living room drinking bourbon.
"How'd it go love?" He says and I sit next to him.
"Not well. I think only Damon's okay with it."
"Better than no one."
"Since when did you become so optimistic?"
"Oh love I haven't."
I rest my head on his shoulder.
"They want to kill Kol."
"They won't be able to."
"I told them if they kill him, I'll kill them."
"You seemed to care about my family a lot."
"I care about what you care about." He smiles. I smile too. I made the right decision choosing Klaus over them. He puts me first, I don't have to worry about not being loved.

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