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"Hope, how are you liking London?" Dad says.
"It's beautiful! We should come here more often." I say.
"Anything for you love."
"Come on, I want to shop." I say and stand up. He throws a 20 on the table to pay for food.
"Which shop?"
"This one looks nice."
We walk in and go by the dresses.
I find a nice red dress and go to grab it. When i put my hand on the dress, another hand appears and tries to take it from me.
"Excuse me, I want this dress." I say politely.
"Sorry! But my sister and I have to have a dress for the party tonight! And. I. Want. This. One." She says trying to scare me.
"So sorry, but I had it first." I say.
"Pick a different one." She says.
I put on the dress harder to try and take it from her. She pulls too.
"I'll pay you to give me this dress." I say.
She looks me directly in the eyes, "You will let go of this dress, then you will buy it for me."
I laugh,"Are you trying to compel me?"
"You're a vampire." I say.
"Yes, also a witch and werewolf, so if I were you, I would back down and give me the dress."
"Uh, here." She says.
"Thank you."
"You're welcome Hope."
"How do you know my name?" I say.
"Your family is pretty infamous."
"What is your name?"
"No clue who you are, but you leave my family alone, we're just on vacation. No trouble, alright?"
"I didn't want to harm you or your family, besides I wouldn't be able to take them in a fight."
We both laugh.
"Do you live here or visiting?"
"I'm visiting with my mom and sister."
"No dad?"
"He owns a school, he had to stay and run it."
"Very noble."
"Yeah I guess so. Question, is your dad mean, like you know everyone says he's mean."
"No, not at all. He's a softy. Anything mean he does is for his family, to protect us."
"Never imagined the big bad hybrid to be so caring."
"You wanna meet him? He is waiting by the fitting rooms for me."
"Yes! Yes!" She says and I grab her hand.
"Dad?" I say.
"Yes Hope? Did you find a dress?" He says. "Who is she?"
"Dad, this is Josie."
"Alright, and this is important because?"
"Well, she's a vampire and wanted to meet you. We also fought over a dress."
"Hi." She says.
"Hello." My dad says.
"Where are you from Josie?"
"Mystic Falls, I'm visiting with my mom and sister."
"I remember Mystic Falls. Little doppelgänger trouble."
"Oh, you mean Elena right, or Katherine?"
"Elena. You know her?"
"Yeah, she's really nice."
"I wouldn't say that."
"Well, it was nice meeting you all, but Lizzie and mom are expecting me." She says and hands me a piece of paper with her phone number on it.
"We can meet for breakfast tomorrow." I say.
"Okay!" Sh says and smiles. She walks away.
"She reminds me of someone, but I can't put my finger on who." Dad says.
"We have to meet Aunt Rebekah for lunch."
"Your mother should be there too."
"Awesome!" I say. Dad pays for the dress and we walk to the Cafe.
"Hey mom, hey Aunt Rebekah."
"Hey honey!" Mom says.
I sit next to mom.
"How has your day been so far?" Mom says.
"Pretty good, I made a friend with someone i was fighting for a dress."
"Did you get the dress?" Aunt Rebekah says.
"Of course, I'm a Mikaelson after all."
Aunt Rebekah and I high five.
"Who is the girl you met?" Mom says.
"Her name is Josie, she's from Mystic Falls." I say and Mom and aunt Rebekah look at dad.
"Why are you looking at dad?" I say.
"We all went to Mystic Falls together once. A life changing experience." Aunt Rebekah says.
"Rebekah." Dad scolds her.
"Why was it life changing?" I ask aunt Rebekah.
"Ask your father, not me." She says.
"I'll tell you one day Hope." He says.
"Well, I think we should have a girls spa day tomorrow." Mom says.
"Yeah! After breakfast with Josie." I say.
"Sounds nice." Aunt Rebekah says.
We eat our lunch then relax at the hotel and watch movies till we all fall asleep.
When I wake up, I get dressed and call Josie.
"Hello?" She says.
"Hey Josie, it's Hope."
"Hey!! We still on for breakfast?"
"Yeah, i was calling to see where you want to meet at?"
"How about that restaurant on Main Street?"
"Sound good!" I say.
"See you soon!"
"Bye!" I say and hang up the phone.
I walk across the hall to my dad's room.
I open the door, he is still asleep.
I walk over and nodge him so he will wake up.
"What is it Hope?" He says.
"I'm going to breakfast, I need some money." I say.
"Just compel them and let me sleep." He throws the pillow over his face.
"You're not that tired." I say and grab his credit card.
I open the door, "Thanks! Love you!" I say and walk out the door.
"Love you too!" I hear him say.
I walk to the restaurant and Josie is already there.
"Hey!" I say and sit in front of her.
"Hey Hope." She says.
"I told my mom and Aunt you're from Mystic Falls,and they looked at my father. Then my Aunt said it was a life changing experience for him, do you know why?"
"No. Maybe he met your mom there."
"That wouldn't be important to him, my parents aren't married. My mom is in love with my uncle."
"It's probably not important to your dad, but my parents and basically everyone I know is from Mystic Falls."
"What's your mom and dad's name?"
"Caroline and Alaric."
"Are they nice?"
"My mom is the nicest. She always sees the good in people. My dad is awesome too."
"You're a vampire right?"
"So, how were you created you know?"
"My parents were not vampires, but my biological mom died, so some witches transferred me and my sister to my mom now. And she's a vampire. My sister and I are also witches,my mom turned us so we dont die. We thought our magic would go away, but it didn't. Aunt Bonnie teaches us everything about our magic."
"My aunt Davina  and Aunt Freya teach me about magic."
"Can you change into a werewolf whenever you want?"
"Yes, but I dont really like to. It's painful and I look ugly, too much hair." I say and we both laugh..
"Where do you go to school?"
"I'm home schooled, because my dad has a lot of people who want him dead, so he thinks its the best way to protect me."
"I go to my dad's school."
"I bet it's nice there, better than being stuck ay home all day."
"I love it. I can be myself because we're all supernatural, no humans."
"That sounds amazing. I go everywhere worrying about if I'll fit in because I'm not human."
"You should ask your parents to take you to visit my school."
"I'll definitely ask."
We eat our food and talk the whole time. Josie is awesome, I learned so much about her and she learned a lot about me.
"We're having a spa day if you wanna join." I say as we're walking out of the restaurant.
"Are you sure it's okay with your mom?"
"Of course! Come on."
"Alright!" She says and smiles.
"Hey mom, Aunt Bekah!" I say as I walk into the hotel room with Josie.
"Hope you're finally home!" Mom says.
"Woah, you're an original."Josie says to Aunt Rebekah.
"Yes I am. You must be Josie."
"Yes.You're prettier in person."
"I like her." She says.
"She's joining us for spa day." I say.
"Okay, are we ready to go?"
"Yeah." I say.
We spend the rest of the day at the spa.
"I'm going to walk Josie back to her hotel room." I say to mom and aunt Rebekah."
"Okay sweetie." mom says.
"You're family is awesome!" Josie says.
"Yeah, they are pretty cool."
"So, Hope you're hot, who's your boyfriend?" Josie says nodging me.
"Currently no one, but I'm trying to change that. What about you, who's your man?"
"He's name is Josh, he's a vampire. My parents don't know about him, so you can't tell. Lizzie doesnt know either. He's got gorgeous blue eyes and dark black hair."
"How long have you been dating?"
"Just a couple of months. Nothing serious."
"You want it to be serious?"
"Not really, just having a little fine while I'm young."
"You act like your time is running out!" I say and we laugh.
"Come meet my mom and Lizzie."
"Okay." I say and we walk into the hotel room.
"Mom! Lizzie! Come meet someone." She says.
"Hi! I'm Hope!" I say and smile.
"Hi Hope, I'm Caroline Forbes and this is Lizzie."
"Hello Hope." Lizzie says.
"Hiya!" I say and wave.
"Mom guess what." Josie says.
"What?" Caroline says.
"She's a member of the original family!" Josie says and Caroline tenses.
"Yeah I am!" I say.
"Her family is nice! We had a spa day today." Josie says.
"Ms. Forbes, are you alright? You seem tense." I say.
"Who's your parents Hope?" She says.
"Niklaus Mikaelson and Hayley Marshall. Well it was Marshall Kenner but he died. Now mom is with uncle Elijah." I say and sit on the bed next to Josie.
"Wait, Klaus and that weresl-" She stops herself.
"What were you about to call my mom?!" I say angrily, and stand up.
"Werewolf."She says.
"I dont like it when people lie to me." I say.
"You sound just like Klaus." She says.
"You know my dad?" I say.
"Know him a little too well." She says and laughs.
"Are you what made Mystic Falls life changing?"
"Did he say that?"
"No, Aunt Rebekah did."
"Your father and I, uh, have some memories together."
"Good or bad."
"More good or more bad?"
"More good. Ask him about the woods, that'll embarrass him."
"What happened in the woods?" I ask.
"Haha, you're dad will tell you."
"Now I wanna know mom." Josie says.
"How is he? Like happy?" She says.
"Yeah he's really happy. I think he is going to propose to Lacey soon. They have been dating ever since Cami died."
"And who is Lacey?"
"A witch who saved my life."
"A-and is she pretty?"
"Why do you care?"
"Just wondering."
"Yes, she has beautiful black hair and dark eyes."
"That's nice, I'm glad he found someone."
"Its weird, i think he is in love with Lacey, but he only draw blondes, one particular blonde. Probably from Mystic Falls, do you know her Caroline?"
"Actually I do Hope. Her name is Lexi, Lexi is so nice beautiful. Klaus was in love with her, but she was in love with Stefan."
"Who's Stefan?" I say and Josie and Lizzie look at each other.
"My ex-husband."
"What happened to you two?"
"We got divorced because he was in love with someone else. But he never told her how he felt." She says.
"I'm sorry Caroline."
"It's okay. I wouldn't want to be with someone I didn't love."
"Did you love Stefan?"
"I thought I did, but I dont think I was. I just wanted to be married."
"Oh. Do you want to have lunch tomorrow? All three of you. You can meet my family again, or for the first time."
"No." Caroline says.
"You dont like them?"
"I'm not ready to see them, they hurt me."
"I'm sorry for their actions, but they must've had a reason."
"They did."
"Well, it's getting late. It was nice meeting you all. Text me later Josie." I say and walk out of the hotel room. I go back to my hotel and go in my dad's room.
"Dad, can I talk to you?"
"Yes of course love."
"Promise to tell me the truth?"
"I promise."
"Who is Caroline?" I say. He tenses.
"I;m not going to answer that."
"That happened in the woods?"
"Lots of things."
"What happened in the woods with Caroline?"
"I buried bodies for her."
"What else?"
"Nothing. I barely know Caroline."
"Dad, I dont like when you lie to me."
"How did you find out about Caroline?"
"Stop changing the subject."
"Hope, I am your father and if i dont want to tell you something, I. Don't. Have. To."
"don't yell at me for asking a question! Dad who is Caroline!"
"None of your business. Go to your mother and Rebekah." He says and opens the door.
"Fine, I'll ask them who she is."
"No you wont."
"Dad, just tell me."
"No. Go to sleep, we're leaving tomorrow."
"To MYstic Falls?"
"Caroline is very nice." He stops walking.
"You met her?"
"She is Josie's mom."
"She has a child?"
"Well, the babies were transferred to her, the biological mom died."
"Is she here? In London?"
"Yes. She told me to ask you about the woods, she said you would get embarrassed." He laughs and smiles.
"Oh my god, Dad, you're in love with her."
"Dad! She's who you draw!"
"Yes, she is."
"Her boyfriend was my first successful hybrid, so I had him bite her to see if he was loyal. And only my blood could heal the werewolf bite, so I had to heal her. That's when I first met her. I will not tell you what happened it the woods."
"I think I know what happened in the woods." EWW! My dad and Caroline had you know in the woods!
"Now you know who she is."
"you love her more than you love Lacey."
"Who is Lacey?"
"you love Caroline."
"Yes." I hug him.
"I think she loves you too. I made her up to see if she would get jealous, and she did."
"Doesn't mean she loves me."
"Okay." I say, I think she is really in love with him, so I'm going to get them together.
"I'm going to go to sleep. Goodnight, love you dad." I say and walk back to my room.
I pick up the phone and call Josie.
"Go somewhere where Caroline or Lizzie cant hear you." I say.
"Okay. I'm outside. What's up?"
"My dad is in love with your mom."
"From the way she was asking,I think she is in love with him too."
"Exactly! We need to get them together some how."
"What about Lacey?"
"There is no Lacey, I was just seeing if she would get jealous."
"That's smart. How about we both go to the same restaurant or shop?"
"I can get my dad to take me shopping, then we both go and try on clothes so they wait by the fitting room."
"But they could leave."
"You're right, where else?"
"An elevator?"
"But that would be over with quickly and we would be stuck in there with them."
"So we need somewhere else."
"We could lock them in a house."
"We can use a spell to trap them together."
"Yeah, I'll get my mom to come to your hotel room, and you can have your dad there already, trapped."
"Sounds good. What time?"
"Sounds good."
"Bye!" I say and hang up the phone.
I go to sleep and wake up around 11:00. I get dress and prepare myself for the spell. When I finish setting up it's 12:12.
I call my dad's phone.
"Hey dad! Can you come to my room for a minute, I need your help with something."
"I'll be there momentarily." He says and two seconds later he's in my room. I give him a kiss on the cheek.
"Can you hand me the coffee on the top shelf? i couldnt reach it and I didn't feel like climbing."
He goes and grabs the coffee maker and tries to walk back to the bed to give it to me.
"Hope, what did you do?"
"I didn't do anything dad." I say and smile innocently.
He beats on the barrier, "Hope Mikaelson, let me out now."
"I cant, sorry." I sit by the TV, "What do you want to watch?"
He hits it harder. "Hope!"
"Saving Hope is a good show."
"I dont care about the tv! Let me out!"
"Now Dad, dont make me mute you, I'm trying to watch tv!" I say and turn the volume up.
He keeps hitting the barrier.
There's a knock on the door, "Dad, can you get it? Oh wait you cant!" I say and laugh.
"Hey Josie! I'm almost ready to go, would you like something to drink?"
"Sure, Mom?"
"Yes." She says and I walk into the living room.
"Drinks are in there." I say and point to the kitchen door.
Caroline's POV
I walk into the kitchen to grab drinks for us.
"Klaus?" I say.
"Hello love."
"What are you doing here?" I say.
He gets off the counter and tries to walk out the door.
"Hope has locked me in here." He says then goes and sits on the counter top.
"Wait, did Josie lock me in here?" I say and try to walk out the door. But i cant.
"Josie! What did you do?" I scream.
"I didn't do anything mom, you walked in there and Hope put up the barrier."
"Way to throw me under the bus." Hope says.
"We're going shopping!"
"Dad, I have your card, we'll be back in a few hours. Love you." They say and speed out.
"That's all you're going to say, no defense or explanation."
"You told me how you felt, I left. It was a drunken one night stand. I wasnt with you, so I could do what I wanted to." He says.
"You're so annoying!" I say and sigh.
"Yo're stuck with me for several hours, get used to it." he says.
"How What?"
"Did she happen?"
"I'm a hybrid, she was werewolf, the witches said that was the only way."
"And you didn't know about Josie and Lizzie?"
"They must think we're in love, so they locked us in here so we pull admit our feelings."
"Bright children."
"Is she just a witch?"
"No, vampire witch and werewolf."
"A tribyrid?"
"The one and only."
"Is she stronger than you?"
"She could be when she reaches her full power."
I laugh, "You're not going to like that."
"I wont, but as long as she's safe, she can be stronger."
"You really care about her."
"Of course, how could i not? You slept with Alaric?"
"God no, their mother died and the babies were transferred to me."
"You jealous?"
"I'm the original hybrid, i dont get jealous."
"Sureee. Who's Lacey, Klaus?" I say.
"No one. Hope made her up to see if you would get jealous."
"What about Cami?"
"She died."
"Were you in love with her?"
"Not the way i was in love with you."
"I still am, if thats what you're asking. I intend to be your last love Caroline."
"Why do you always say that?"
He stands up in front of me, "I want you to know how i feel."
I step back. "Klaus I'm not in love with you." I say, even though it's a lie. He steps closer.
"I dont like being lied to Caroline." He says.
"I-I'm not lying." I say an he steps closer. I can feel his breath on me.
"Klaus, stop." I say.
"You see love, i dont think you want me to stop."
"But, I really do." I say. I k=look at his lips, i want to kiss them so badly. Why am I stopping myself? There's nothing holding me back.
I kiss him, it's full of passion, better than in the woods.Better than anyone I've ever kissed.
I break the kiss, "I love you."
"You dont know how long I've been waiting for you to say that."
I kiss him again. He picks me up and sits me on the counter. I pull his shirt off of him, and he rips my shirt.
Hope's POV
"She said it." I say.
"How do you know?"
"I can feel that is barrier is down."
"YES!" She says and high fives me.
"We did it!"
"I guess we can go back to the hotel now."
"Let's give them a few more minutes.'

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