09 | fear on fire

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| meliorism |
chapter nine
❝ history repeating❞

| meliorism |chapter nine❝ history repeating❞

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     "Did you stay up all last night?" Tyler asked her in disbelief once she joined his side.

    Rhena shook her head and looked around cautiously, like someone was chasing at her. Tyler had been waiting for her once she got out of her brother's car, clearly a mess.

Tyler could clearly see the dark bags under her eyes, more noticeable than ever. He could also see the fail attempt of make up she did trying to cover the bags up.

"Something like that" Rhena mumbled, fixing her baby hairs to look decent, or alive at least. The two began walking inside the school to get to class, trying to go through the crowded hallways.

"You look horrible, Rhen" Tyler replied, analyzing her face. The bags under her eyes made her look tired and her voice was weak, like she was barely waking up.

Rhena glanced at him "Thanks Ty, just what I wanted to hear this beautiful

"Alright, don't get all sarcastic on me, you know I hate it" he rolled his eyes, nudging her.

"Why do you think I do it?" Rhena answered giving him a brief look, a small smile appearing in her lips.

Once they arrived at Rhena's classroom, Tyler waved goodbye and gave her a side hug, then he continued his way. Yawning, Rhena entered the class and went to her seat.

    Not long after, Elena entered the room and took her seat in front of her. She looked around the room until she turned to see Rhena, giving her a smile.

   "Hey Rhen" she greeted, giving her a smile.

    "Hey Lena" Rhena greeted back, trying to force her positivity. She was tired of people assuming she was sick or in a bad state of mind, only because she wasn't as cheerful as she was some days. They didn't understand that some days are better, and for Rhena, this were not her better days.

After Bonnie entered the room in a hurried way, a man also entered the room, making Rhena stared.

    "Good morning everyone" he greeted walking towards the desk. He left his bag and began to write his name on the board.

    Alaric Saltzman.

    Rhena tilted her head lightly. She found the name familiar, but she couldn't figure out from where, or why. 

    The new profesor began to talk about the origin of his name, trying to lighten the mood of the classroom. Rhena wanted to listen, but she zoned out, only to be brought back by a burning sensation of someone watching her. She turned to her left to find Bonnie looking at her with wide eyes, but once Rhena and her locked eyes, she quickly looked away.

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