Chapter XLIX

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Hazel’s Point of View

 I was still here waiting for these damn twins, to get out of me. I’m 37 weeks a.k.a 9 months and 1 week, which is a full term for twins. If I have to carry these babies one more day, I’m going to scream. Chresanto was laying in the bed, sleep. I was sitting on the bed, laying around in a old sweatshirt that come down to my knees. I was watching out reruns of Martin. I heard a pop, then fluid come rushing down my legs. Shit, it’s time.

 ‘’Chresanto.’’ I said. He mumbled something in his sleep. I slapped him across his face. He opened his eyes, holding his cheek. ‘’Get me to the hospital before I end up having the babies here.’’ I said. He got up from bed, rushing to my side. He helped me into my red TOMS then helped me off of the bed. ‘’Get my bag.’’ I said. He rushed into the closet getting my bag.

 I walked out of the room, slowly down the stairs. Chresanto come walking down behind me. I swear if his one-fourth of a nigga don’t get me to the hospital. I opened the door, walking outside. I walked to the Audi, getting in. I closed the door, waiting for Chresanto. He ran out to the car, getting in. He put the key into the ignition, pulling off. I felt a contractions coming on. I grabbed onto Chresanto’s thigh, squeezing the living life out of it.

 ‘’Shit, Hazel. That hurts.’’ He said taking my hand from his thigh.

 ‘’Chresanto, get me to this hospital.’’ I said. He sped up, turning into the entrance of the hospital. He hopped out of the car, running inside of the building. He came out with a nurse and wheelchair. He opened the door, helping me into the wheelchair. The nurse wheeled me inside to the elevator. We got in, she pushed some floor number. The doors closed. I breathe in and out. Chresanto looked down at me. The doors opened. The nurse pushed me down the hall to a room.

 She opened the door, wheeling me in. She stopped beside the bed. Chresanto stepped out of the room.

 ‘’Ma’am, do you have your own gown or do you need the hospital to provide you with one?’’ He asked.

 ‘’I have my own, my husband has my bag.’’ I said. She nodded, Chresanto walked into the room. He wheeled me to the bathroom. I got up, changing into my black Cosmopolitan sleep shirt. I sat back into the wheelchair, letting Chresanto wheel me into the room. They helped me into the bed. First thing that did was take a ultrasound then I was hooked to a IV. The doctor sat in front of my vagina.

 ‘’Mrs. August, you’re 6 cm dilated. You need to be 10 cm dilated to push them babies out.’’ He said. I laid back, fighting with these contractions. My dad and mom ran into the hospital room.

 ‘’Hazel, I’m sorry for these past couple of years. I do approve to Chresanto, but I wanted to see if he’s good to you. I see that now, forgive me hija?’’ She asked.

 ‘’I forgive you, mama.’’ I said smiling.

 ‘’How is my princess?’’ My dad asked.

 '’Good, I just want these twins to get out of me.’’ I said.

 ‘’When everyone, I need you to get dressed in scrubs. Mrs. August is about to give birth to twins.’’ The nurse said handing scrubs to Chresanto, my mom and dad. They walked out of the room, leaving me alone with the doctor, the two pediatricians and nurse, and an anesthesiologist in case of a emergency c-section. My dad, mom, and Chresanto walked back into the room, all geared up. One of the nurse closed the door.

 ‘’Ok, Mrs. August push.’’ The doctor said. I pushed with all of my strength. I laid back with all of my hair in front of my face.

 ‘’Chresant could you tie up my hair?’’ I asked. He walked over to me, putting my hair into a messy bun.

 ’’Push.’’ The doctor said. I pushed, laying back. I refused to do this again. Chresanto held my hand. My mom was video taping with her iPhone. My dad was down there with the doctors.

 ‘’Push, I see a head.’’ The doctor called out. I pushed one more time before I heard a cry. ‘’It’s a girl.’’ The doctor announced. Chresanto went down to our daughter, cutting her umbilical cord. The nurse took her, sitting her in a cart-like bed. One of the pediatricians and nurses were tending to her.

 Chresanto walked over to me. I seen the tears in the bim of his eyes. I’m happy but we're gonna bring our little boy into the world.

 ‘’Come on, Mrs. August. Let’s bring your second child into the world.’’ The doctor said. I pushed, hoping that I would not pee or shit why I was doing this. I pushed once more before laying back, exhausted.

 ‘’I can’t do this anymore.’’ I whined. Chresanto pecked my cheek, wiping the sweat off of my forehead.

 ‘’You can do this, Hazel. Our child is waiting to explore the world. Come on, babe let’s do this.’’ He said. I pushed once more, before I heard another cry.

 ‘’It’s a boy.’’ The doctor said. Chresanto went down to our baby boy, cutting the umbilical cord. The other nurse and pediatrician tended to our baby boy. ‘’There is one more thing, you need to deliver the placenta.’’ He said. I pushed, feeling slight contractions. Chresanto was still by my side. I pushed once more, then felt something slip something out of me. The doctor held it up.

 ‘’Hell no!’’ My dad and Chresanto said running out of the room. My mom chuckled at them. The nurse handed the girl to me first.

 ‘’Does she have a name?’’ She asked.

 ‘’Yes, Jasmine Rosemariee August.’’ I said smiling. I looked down at Jasmine, smiling. I know Jasmine is a common name but it suits our little baby girl. Chresanto and my dad decided to walk back into the room. Chresanto ran over to my bedside, looking at Jasmine. Jas’mariee, Prince, Ray, his girl Asia, and Ms. Aiko.

 ‘’Look at my niece.’’ Jas’mariee cooed. The other nurse handed our baby boy to me.

 ‘’What’s this little guy’s name?’’ She asked.

 ‘’Caeden Mijo August.’’ I said smiling. Chresanto grabbed Caeden from my arms. He smiled at the little body in his arms. I looked down at Jasmine. I was exhausted. I want to be changed to my recovery room.

 ‘’What’s her name?’’ Ms. Aiko.

 ‘’Jasmine Rosemariee August.’’ I said.

 ‘’How do you spell her middle name?’’ Ray asked.

 ‘’R-o-s-e-m-a-r-i-e-e.’’ I spelled.

 ‘’Like my name?’’ Jas’mariee asked. I nodded, tiredly. My mom took Jasmine into her arms. Both her and my dad cooed at Jasmine. I closed my eyes. All this baby celebration can wait till’ tomorrow.

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