chapter one

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my eyes couldn't help wander over my outfit as i look at myself in the mirror

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my eyes couldn't help wander over my outfit as i look at myself in the mirror. today was a real important day so it calls for a great looking outfit. after about changing three different times and changing my hair once, i was okay with the white v neck jersey, blue knee ripped jeans, and pink Timberland boots that i was wearing. my hair was in a two buns which helps my look come together.

i grab my black bookbag along my keys and phone from my dresser and walk out of my bedroom. i walk down the stairs to the kitchen to hear the voices of my parents, who surprisingly weren't arguing.

"good morning mom and dad." i greet as i made my way to the table. i took a seat taking in the scent of the homemade waffles, bacon, eggs, and fruit that sat in front of me. i place the white napkin in my lap and silently pray. i began eating my breakfast and listen to my parents conversation about the nursery.

my mom was finally pregnant with my younger brother. she had suffered three miscarriages before him and for her to be able to carry him and for them both to be healthy was a blessing. she always wanted a younger child and now she would be getting one.

"hazel remember we want a video of your performance today and just a solid reminder, you'll do great." my dad reminds. i couldn't help but smile.

"i will dad."

i took about ten minutes to eat my breakfast. after i finish, i got up and place my dish into the dishwasher.

"neither of us will be in town this afternoon. i have to go help your aunt heather with sorella and your dad is going to virginia. we deposited some money on your card so you should be okay baby girl." my mom told me. i just nod, kissing both of their cheeks before heading out of the door.

i hit the alarm to my matte black mercedes benz g wagon and climb inside. i threw my bag into the passenger seat, starting up the car. i pull out of my driveway and turn up my radio. my girl by mindless behavior began playing and i scream excitedly. i love them so much.

"she text me after school, she do it like its homework." i sang along. my best friend jas'marie and i were planning on seeing them when they come into town but we were waiting for our parents conformation. if we were allowed to go, i swear i would go crazy.

i pull into the student parking lot of California State High. i drove around the parking lot to my assigned parking space. i park, turning off my suv. i grab my bag and got out. i lock the suv before walking toward the back entrance of the building.

i walk inside, the coolness of the air conditioning sent chills down my spine. i walk down to my designated locker located on the main hall. i open my locker and grab my history book.

"good morning sunshine." i heard someone greet. i close my locker to see my childhood best friend jas'marie.

"good morning to you too."

"so did you get the stamp of approval yet?" she inquires as she leans up against the locker beside mine.

"not yet, they need to hurry though. the tickets are selling out like crazy."

"right. we should be able to go. our grades are high and we have great attendance."

"that's what i'm saying but i just don't know. come on let's go. you know mrs. c will try to count us absent if weren't in homeroom by the first bell."

before jas'marie and i knew it, it was performance time. we walk down to mrs. tanner's room with a purpose because we did not want to be late. we enter the classroom to see all our other team members.

"be back in this room in your uniforms in ten minutes, we're going to do a quick run through before we perform." she instructed. we all nod our heads and walk out of the room to the nearest bathroom. today's performance theme was 'who owns these streets...the Cougars do!' and we were allowed to wear hood like clothing, which marie loves.

quickly i change into a black crop tank, light blue jean jacket, blue jeans with knee rips, with black Timberland boots. I take my hair down from its two buns, the result was loose, wavy type curls.


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"yes. you better work." jas'marie says as she walks over to me.

"thank you baby girl." i thank.

"come on girl! it's almost time." our couch shouts. everyone gathers their things, running out of the bathroom to her classroom. we practically threw our things down and made our way down to the gym in our signature two lines.

"now for our lady cougars!" our principal announces. simultaneously we busted through the double doors into the gym. since janae and i were the team captain, we let the lines. both of our lines found their way into the middle of the gym floor.

"let's go ladies!" janae shouts, leaning back. different by 2 chainz began playing and we start our routine. of course we were getting lots of love from everyone except the cheerleaders. they always hated that they have to share their time with us. it seems as if the student population would prefer to see us over them.

"don't talk while we step! you better mute it!" i yell, hearing "ohs" and "ahs" from the crowd. after stepping for about another minute, we grab ahold of each other's waist. gas pedal began to play, we step to front then side to side. we end our performance by stepping to the right. the crowd erupts into applauses.

i had gotten home about five minutes ago and i was tired. jas'marie and i decided to stay after school for a basketball game; which we won. right now i was just laying on my bed reading a magazine article on mindless behavior. I'm hoping that my mom will allow me to go to their concert. i look at my desk noticing one of my magazines were out of place. i got up from my bed, picking up the magazine. when i opened the magazine something fell out. i reach down to pick them up. when i seen what they were i almost lost my mind. grabbing my phone, i text jas'marie.

guess who has two tickets and backstage passes to the mb concert?!

you're joking.

i go to my camera app, taking a picture of the tickets and passes then sent the picture to our message thread.

oh my god! i need a outfit for next weekend then.

i do too. we can go shopping this weekend.

will do. text you later.

i lock my phone and jump back onto my bed. i couldn't believe that i'm going to be mindless behavior!

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