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Hazel’s Point of View

 Five years have past. Chresanto and I are still happily married. The twins are five years old. We have another boy named, Cameron Lorenzo August who is three years old. We’ve got another one on the way. I’ve decided to become a stay-at-home mom. Chresanto is doing bigger and better things.

 ‘’Mommy!’’ Cameron shouted. I walked into the playroom, where all of my kids were.

 ‘’Yes, Cam?’’ I asked.

 ‘’Where daddy?’’ He asked.

 ‘’At work, Cam. Jasmine! Caeden!’’ I shouted, putting Cam on my side. I am four months pregnant. Jasmine and Cadean come sliding down from the indoor slide.

 ‘’Yes?’’ They asked.

 ‘’Play with your brother. I gotta make a call.’’ I said putting Cam on the floor. I walked out of the playroom to our bedroom. I sat down on the bed, laying down. Chresanto needs to get home, now. I grabbed my phone, calling Chresanto. The phone rang a few times before he answered.

 ‘’Hello?’’ He asked into the phone.

 ‘’Chres, when are you gonna be home?’’ I asked.

 ‘’I’m on the way now. How are the kids?’’ He asked.

 ‘’Good, Cam just asked about you.’’ I said.

 ‘’Well, I’ll be home in about fifteen minutes. Love you.’’ He said.

 ‘’Love you too.’’ I said, hanging up. I walked out of my bedroom to the playroom. The kids were playing tag. I sat down in a chair, watching them play. These were my babies, Jasmine being the oldest by 10 minutes she’s really smart. Our dog, Rocko came running into the room. Rocko is a teacup chiwawa. My mom got it for Cameron, because he’s her little guy. Rocko ran over to me. ‘’Hey Rocko.’’ I said smiling. Cameron, Jasmine, and Caeden ran over to Rocko.

 ‘’Hey kids.’’ A voice said. I looked up to see Chresanto. The kids ran to him, hugging his legs. He walked over to me, pecking my lips.

 ‘’Hey babe. How was work?’’ I asked.

 ‘’Great, but I’m glad to be here with my family.’’ He said, smiling. I smiled at him. I’m going to be 26 with four children. I don’t care because I love all my children the same. Of course when I got pregnant with Caeden and Jasmine I was so scared. I don’t know how to take care of two small children. It was difficult but Chresanto and I got thru it. Cameron is a daddy and mommy’s boy, so is Jasmine and Caeden.

 I don’t know where I would be without Chresanto or these kids. I don’t even wanna know. Chresanto and I have been together ever since I was fifteen and he was sixteen. We’ve got into many arguments, but we’re never gonna break the bond between us. I love this man, he’s gave me everything I’ve ever wanted.

 Jas’mariee’s Point of View

 I watched as Jacob and Justina played on the swings. Nothing has changed between Jacob and I. We’ve got a two-year-old boy named Josiah. He’s so adorable. I walked out to the my husband and daughter.

 ‘’Mommy, daddy can do a trick.’’ Justina said.

 ‘’Oh, really? Show me Jacob.’’ I said. Jacob sat down on the swing. He swung high then jumped off doing a backflip then landing on his feet. Jacob still had his afro. I smiled, clapping my hands. Jacob was started doing backflips till’ he was on his back. I laughed, walking over to him. ‘’You dizzy or naw?’’ I asked.

 ‘’I’m dizzy, help me up.’’ He said. I helped him off of the ground. Jacob works at a law firm. I’m a part-time nurse at the hospital.

 ‘’Mama, when can we go to Disneyland?’’ Justina asked.

 ‘’Soon baby girl. Jacob, can you go get Josiah?’’ I asked. He jogged into the house. Our house is so beautiful. Jacob came out of the house with Josiah on his hip. Josiah was a mommy’s boy. Jacob handed Josiah to me.

 ‘’Hey baby boy.’’ I said smiling.

 ‘’Mama.’’ He said clapping his hands together. I smiled at him. Josiah is the light of my day, so is Justina. Both of my kids are so funny. I know for a fact they get it from Jacob and I. I wouldn’t change nothing. Jacob has been my misfit ever since we were sixteen. Now look at us, we’re married and rich with two wonderful kids. Thank you, Jesus for everything you’ve done and is going to continue to do.

 London’s Point of View

 Chris and I have worked out all of the curves in our marriage over the years. Adrian is 11, now. Sorella Boutique is hit store. Chris and I have decided on just stay home and living semi-regular lives.

 ‘’Mom!’’ Adrian shouted.

 ‘’Boy, what?’’ I shouted back.

 ‘’You’ve seen my Foams?’’ He asked.

 ‘’Which ones?’’ I asked.

 ‘’My Asteroids.’’ He said.

 ‘’There in your closet on the 4th shoe racks, I think 3rd or 4th shoe from the left.’’ I said. I laid on the bed, looking at the ceiling. Everything came rushing back from when Hazel was little to when I had Adrian. Now look, Hazel has three-going-on-four children and Adrian is growing up. Soon he’ll be out of his own.

 Chris was out doing something with Tyga. Cameron, Hazel’s youngest son is my baby. He’s so adorable. I love that little boy, like I love my other grandkids. Chris walked into the room.

 ‘’Hey babe.’’ He said.

 ‘’Hi Chris.’’ I said.

 ‘’What’s up?’’ He asked.

 ‘’Nothing, you wanna see Jasmine, Caeden, and Cameron this weekend?’’ I asked.

 ‘’Yeah, I love them especially Jasmine. She’s my little princess.’’ He said. Jasmine was Chris’s little princess. Cameron and Caeden is my prince’s. I love the life I’m living. I’m glad I have my husband, two kids, and four grandchildren.

 Well, the book is over. I’ve enjoyed writing Love More and this sequel. Look forward to new Chris Brown or maybe even Mindless Behavior books. I love you guys, you are so awesome!!


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