Chapter 8 - A Cow That Goes Moo

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"Rachel" Anna slaps my arm "Rachel" she snaps her fingers. I snap out my gaze and refocus on the science teacher.

After the lesson is finished, Anna drags me to a secluded part of the playground

"You have to get over Usher" She states


"Rachel, he's taken. You can't have a secret relationship because once the truth is out. It will be against you"

"We're just friends" I defend. Yep, just friend. Nothing more

"Then why did he want to kiss you? He admitted everything at William 's party while he is with something. Be realistic. I don't want to see you hurt"

"I suppose, you're right. Okay, No more Aaron Usher" I take a deep breath. Deep down, I knew she was right. Aaron had to fix this mess and I'm not going to get caught into it.

"I heard my name" Aaron jogs over, so much for Operation Avoid Aaron Usher.

"Erm, yeah. I was just telling Anna how much you love My Little Pony" I smile as a frown appears on his face.

"Well, it was nice talking to you but we have to go the library. See ya Usher" Anna grabs my hand and bolts for the door

"What was that for?" I free my arm

"Mae was watching idiot. I did you a favor, now come on" She walks into the library and the first sound I hear is "yes, yes. Bro. Shut up Micah" Kaden. Why am I not surprised?

"Rachel, help me find a good book" Anna searches the shelf.

Please, please don't see us

"Anna" Micah yells, catching her attention. Fuck life

"What the fuck do you want?" She smiles in the unpleasant way possible

"Join us for the game because Isaac ran away"

"What did you do to the lost boy?" I ask as Kaden points a finger at Micah. "His fault"

Anna groans as I push her in the direction of Micah. Remind me to get security. She glares at me as she walks over to him

A match made in heaven if you ask me

"You too Rachel" Micah interrupts as I drag my feet over.

"What game?" I ask

"Knots and Crosses but someone is a cheater cough Micah cough" Kaden explains



"Guys, I got a joke" Munni runs in with Ava who is too busy on her phone

"Go on"

"What do cows drink?" She asks

"Milk" Kaden shouts instantly

"Idiot, Cows drink water, they produce milk. I thought you'd know" Micah slaps the back of his head

"What do you mean?"

"My grandad has a farm and every holiday my dad sends us there" Kaden confesses. "I nearly died thanks to a cow. It trampled calmly over me. I broke my ribs"

We all burst out laughing as he frowned angrily.

"What's going on?' Isaac walks in, glancing at all of us

"Oh Kaden is telling them how he nearly died because of a cow"

"An actual cow that goes Moo," he asks and Micah nods

"Oh, I remember." He nods "Hey Rachel, Mae is looking for you" he informs

"How do you know Mae?" I wonder

"I'm partnered up with her in Science. She takes any opportunity to flirt with anyone"

"But she's dating Usher" Anna adds on

"Exactly" he clicks his finger

"That bitch is dead, No one flirts with my boyfriend" Ava cracks her knuckles

"Chill, I would never cheat on you" Isaac smiles

"You better not or your head is on the chopping board"

Isaac is left speechless


As we step onto the playground, Mae is staring at me and give me 'I'm watching you' look. I avoid her and turn to my friends

"This is bad" Munni mutters

"Yep" Ava nods

"What do we do?"

"Wait for the witch to bring the poison apple" Ava mumbles


"I have too much fairy tale reference but I mean we wait for Mae to come." She explains


"Well, that's happening sooner than we think" Munni points to the other side of the playground.

"Speak of the devil"

Mae approach us with her 'followers' who believe anything she says "I'll make this simple, stay away from my boyfriend or you'll regret it" She says and stomps away

"What a hypocrite" Anna scoffs

"I'll let karma do the work" I assure "The best revenge is doing nothing and anyway Aaron wanted to be my friend. I'll stick within my limits but I can't stop him, Can I?"

"True, I see what's going on" Anna smirks

"Prepare for battle"


"Rachel" Aaron calls in the corridor. I stop and wait for him to catch up.

Only friends

"I was thinking if you'd like to grab a bite to eat after school"

"Sure but what about your girlfriend?" I ask

"She's gone off with William so it's fine."


"See you outside" he smiles as he jogs off


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