Chapter 6 - You Are Now Friends With Aaron Usher

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The next week I saw less of Aaron. I could catch a glimpse of him in the corridor or outside but he made it hard to be seen.

On the other hand, my life was less chaotic and I focused more on myself so much so that I applied for a job to get my lazy ass out the house but when I applied I didn't think I'd get the job so now I was a waitress. Yeah!

"You're going to be late for work" Anna complains as she walks in my room like she owns it

"Shut up and let me sleep" I yell back

"Rachel, come on" I groan and stumble out of bed.

Twenty minutes later I was heading to work in the freezing morning at 2 in the afternoon. Well, it was morning for me.

"Ah she arrives" Ms. Blanchard, the owner cheers

"Molly will run you through the basic but mostly today you'll help with the order." She pushes me in the direction of the girl. She was taller than me and had a cold face. She glared at me and walked off

"This way" she wanders off as I chase her behind.

When I signed up for a job, this wasn't what I expected. "Just help the boy bring in the stuff" She instructs and runs off. Thanks a bunch

A car arrives and starts unloading. "Where do you want this?" A boy asks. I glance up to meet his eyes


"Yeah, it's me."

"Cool, where do you want this?" He asks, holding the crates

"Just in there" I reply as Cain nods his head.

"Rachel, please don't tell anyone. I---"

"---it's fine. Your secret is safe with me" I smile

"Now, I understand why Aaron likes you. You should call him" he smirks and climbs back into the van and runs off.

Maybe I will


"I'm home" I yell as I enter through the door.

"Food in the kitchen" My dad yells. I shrug and dash to the kitchen. I glance around and grabbed the pizza box and ran off to my room.

I log onto Facebook and video call Anna as I ate my pizza. "Hey, where's mine?" She snaps

"Too far"

"Whatever, I got cookies" She shows me a packet of cookies

"Aw, send some over"

"Remember the last time I gave you cookies" She glares at me

"Nope" I shake my head

"You ate the whole packet" She yells

"What, I was hungry and you were a rubbish host."

"You legit ate my whole kitchen"

"We have very different account of what happened" I answer

"Anyway, how's work? Any hot guys?"

"Well there was the truck driver" I offer and she vigorously shakes her head. "No, No, No. I'm good"

"You sure?"


Our conversation ends quickly as she called so I got on my stack of homework which ending with me watching YouTube on how to talk to a giraffe.

After stalking celebrities, I find myself back on Facebook, scrolling through my feed. A notification saved me

Aaron Usher sent you a friend request

Accept                                 Decline

I pressed accept

You are now friends with Aaron Usher

Aaron: She accepts

Me: haha

Aaron: You blocked me God knows how many time. I'm celebrating, okay

Me: You're an idiot

Aaron: A cute idiot

Me: that's debatable

Aaron: Whatever darling. How are things?

Me: Good, You?

Aaron: I've been busy. Do you have the notes from Science? I wasn't there

Me: I noticed.  Everything fine at home?

Aaron: Fine, so can you send them?

Me: No

Aaron: What?

Me: Meet me at Rose's in 15.

Me: Aaron?

He's already offline


Why didn't I just make my life simpler and send him the notes? Why did I ask to meet? Tell me brain, Why.

I hit my head as I walk down the street, getting a few stares from people.

It was around about 8 when I enter Rose's and Usher was already there.

"Thank you" he smiles as I sit opposite him

"No problem" I take out my science book out, opening to the right page as he sips his coffee

"What can I get you?" A waitress comes over with a pen and pad

"A chocolate milkshake would be fine" I smile as she notes it down and returns to the counter

"I don't get it. What's the motor effect?" He asks

"Something....A coil of wire electric current. Iron magnetized"


"The motor effect is when a current carry wire is put in between magnet poles. The magnetic field of the wore interact with the magnetic field is been put in so it causes the magnet and conductor to exert a force on each other which causes the wire to move." I hear a perfect definition and turn around to glance at the waitress who shrugs

Great way to put me at shame, woman

"Yeah, that" I smile as he chuckles. "Thank you. Oh, darling. What am I going to do with you?"

"Shut up. Usher. Physics is hard. Hurry and copy the rest.

"Yes Sir"

"Darling, what's the equation to find the size of force?"


"Fuck Bill. Who's Bill and why do you want to eff him"

"F = BIl

B is the magnetic flux density
I is the current
L is the length"

"Oh, so you don't want F BIl?"



"Darling, how do you.....?"

"Ask someone else please?" I beg as he chuckles

"Sure. Thank you, darling." He smiles as we walk out. We enter the empty street with the only source of light, a lamppost. He dugs his hands into his pocket as he glances down at me. He smirks  "Just to be sure, what is the motor effect?"


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