Chapter 1 - The Notorious Jerk

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Bright sunlight peered into my room as my alarm clock burst out ringing. I groaned, shutting the alarm off and tossing back into bed. It was way too early to be awake

20 minutes later, I actually got up and changed into school uniform. Know that school was here once agaun, I regret not doing anything in my holidays except for watching the whole of Twilight Saga on repeat. I missed my friends, not school and I didn't want to go

New year, New start.

Time to forget about last year and move on. Last year was torture thanks to a certain Aaron Usher, more about him later. Just know he's a jerk for now

My life sucked. I had accomplished nothing in the holidays and all my friends are had been exploring the world while I was stuck at home. I arrived at school, old fashion late on the first day, thanks to Dad's car breaking down. Great new start

"What's your name?" The new assistant at the office asks. She was young, short but was wearing heels. She had put to much makeup and the bright lipstick didn't help her as it made look more like a ghost because of her pale skin

"Rachel Kristin" I answer, tucking my hair behind my ear as I press my weight on the desk. Crap, You're screwed

"Reason for being late?" She asks, plastering a fake smile. She looks back down at the computer, chewing even though it's against the school rules. Unless the rules didn't apply to adults

"My dad's car broke down" I admit, she gives me a look and hands me a slip.

"Off you go to form" She points in a direction. I walk to form as quick as possible. I knock the door, hand the teacher the slip and sit down next to Scott. Scott was a funny easy-going guy. He looked half asleep so I didn't bother him

"Hello class, my name is Ms Abbas, I will be your form teacher for the year. I want to get to know all of you so we'll start off by going around and saying your name." She smiles as she points the guy at the end of the row







"Rachel" I say as I feel the eyes of the class on me. The name game continues, I paid no attention to it till a certain name caught my attention

"Sara Usher"


Why of all her people was she in my form?

Sara was the twin sister of the notorious jerk in the school, Aaron Usher. Both were annoying and bitches. I tried to avoid them but fate has other plans. I had a lot of history with the Usher. Some were good, some were bad but now things are worse than ever

Form ended and we got handed our timetable, I rushed outside to my friends to see what class we have together. "We have English, Maths, Science, French and RS" Anna snatches my timetable

"I have History, RS, Maths, French and Science with you" Ava informs

"RS and French and PE" Munni tells me with a bored look

"Science" Sandra shrugs

I was satisfied with my class, I had my friends in most. The lesson of the year was French with Ms Diana and I can't say I looked for to it.

"RIGHT, CLASS SEATING PLAN" She stomps into the room and drops a folder on the table. She was short but scary as hell. The room falls silent, obeying her every word. Every stands as she calls out the seating plan

"Andre, Felix and Samantha"

"Carrie, Georgia and Juan"

"Ava, Harry, Umar and Michelle"

"On the other side, Harvey and Ava"

"Nolan and Richelle"

"Rachel and Aaron"

I freeze as my name gets called. I take no notice of the rest of the name and stroll to my seat. Slowly sinking in it, knowing that the jerk was going to sit by me. Why was fate so determined to bring us close. I wanted nothing to do with him. I hated him and he hated him but God didn't like that idea

I glance around the room and see no big head Usher. Thank god. I take a breath with a bit more confidence.

Meanwhile Ms Diana had finished calling out the seating plan and had gone out the room but no one dared to speak.

"Yo, where's the teacher?" Cain wanders in followed by Aaron. Uh oh

"Gone" Harvey screams. In that second the clicking of heels is echoed as Ms enters with a frown as usual.

"You're late" she looks at Aaron and Cain who made her look like a midget

"Sorry, we got lost" Aaron chuckles, scratching his neck

"Go and sit" She rolls her eyes and sits down at her desk, logging in.

"Where?" Aaron glances around. His eyes meet mine but he quickly looks away to the rest of the room. There one spare seat where else are you going to sit idiot?

"By Rachel" she orders. Now we have an staring competition as he walks closer. My heart hits more rapidly against my rib cage as he approach. I quickly drag my chair to the other side of the table

"Well, look what the cat dragged out" He smirks, pulling the chair

Huh? That makes no sense

"Hello Rachel" He says in deep voice that swoon any girl but me. "Playing silent I see" He opens his arms and move closer to me.

I feel his arm around my shoulder, his strong vanilla scent around me. His breath is close as he whisper into my ear. "There's no escape from me now Darling"

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