Chapter 3 - Nobody Questions My Love For Zayn Malik

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"Is this seat taken?"

I look over my shoulder and see Cain standing there, holding the chair firmly.

"Yes, yes Cain" Aaron grins, holding back his laughter, resting his head on the table.

"No, I mean Yes. You can't sit here" I hold the chair in the table. Please, god no.

"Come on now darling, let the poor guy sit" Aaron starts a staring competition. I glance at Cain and then sigh.

Cain was Aaron's best friend and only follower. He was short and chubby. He always had a small bag around his neck and walked like he was on drugs.

"So Rachel" Cain spreads his arms out

"Get the fuck away from me" I move my chair to the end of the table. He shrugs and continues talking "so I heard about you and Aaron" he smirks

"What the fuck? Clearly, you are deranged" I reply

"So it's not true"

"Not at all, the jerk is with Mae"

"No, they broke up" He informs and honestly I don't care. Mae and Aaron were the on and off couple, no one knew when they were on and off. Bruh, why make your life complicated?

"Whatever, I don't care" I roll my eyes, focusing on my work. The lesson was actually okay, Cain wasn't that much of a pain, unlike Aaron who kept leaning to steal my answers.

Soon enough the lesson was finishing and we were 'quietly' leaving.

"I'll hold you when things go wrong"

"Baby, I'm right here" Came the annoying voice of Usher from behind me.

It was Zayn's new song but Usher hate Zayn until Zayn left one direction then he turned into his number one fan. Copycat

"Usher, you hate Zayn" I turn around with glaring eyes

He shrugs "Opinion change"

"I'll be with you from dusk till dawn" he sings as he opens a packet of chewing hum and throws it into his mouth

"Shut up, copycat" I roll my eyes, descending down the 3 stores of stairs.

"What? I've always like Zayn" he lies with the smirk plastered on his face. I hate that smirk


"I'm his number one fan" he begins to sing again off key

"The portrait on my bedroom wall says different" I cough, lowly. It was an inside joke that only I knew 

"Rachel," he says with caution

"Yes" I answer

"You have a portrait of Zayn on your bedroom wall?" Aaron stifles a laugh

"YES" I yell in frustration, anything to shut him up

"O-okay" His eyes pop out as he runs past me down the stairs. Nobody question my love for Zayn Malik...Ever


"Come on, you are coming out"  Anna orders, standing in the doorway with Ava and Munni who are busy on their phones. 

"Are you serious?" I sigh. I didn't want to go out for a lot of reason, mostly because I was lazy and bad things happen when I get out the house

"We are going park" she commands and I have to comply. I slide into my flats and leave my house.

The park was a 5-minute walk from my house but I rarely went out so this was like a new world to me.

Once we arrive, it's a race between Munni and Ava to the swings, scaring the rest of the public and scaring the kids.

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