Chapter 12 - My Jerk

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"Miss me" he flashes a smile as I hug him.

In one way, he was a friend from the past. We grew up together before his parents split and he moved to Canada with his dad. He always the goofy, cute type of friend but at the end of the day that what we were. Friends

"What are you doing here?" I abruptly ask

"In my mother will, she left me her flat and so I thought I check the place out" he shrugs


"How long are you staying then?"

"A week or two. " he shrugs

"I'll leave you to it then." Mr. Salem awkwardly joins in, opening the door for us.

"Rachel, you have to come and visit. Canada is great" he rants on as we walk through the corridor. Once we step out onto the playground, Aaron is already surrounding me.

Freaking idiot

"Who's this?" He points at Luis when he's got his back to Aaron

"None of your business" I nudge him in the elbow.

"I'm Aaron" Aaron introduces, once Luis acknowledges him

"Yeah I remember you" Luis nods

"Wait, You're Luis, right?" 

"Alive and in flesh" Luis smiles back

"Oh man, it's been a while"

"Yeah, we're back in town"

How fake is this? They hated each other and now they are acting like best buddies. Aaron was the annoying bully who acted like my mother.

It was only when Luis went, that Aaron noticed me, the real me

But Luis over My Jerk


"We should totally hang out" Luis suggest as we walk into Rose's.

"Yeah" I nodded, glaring at Aaron who has a frown on his face as he stares at his phone. A minute later, he tucks it away.

"The trio"

"Yeah, pal" Aaron pats his back 

"Don't you have a girlfriend?" I ask, smirking. Mae was the clingy type but I just want to get under his skin. If she saw this, right now, she'd be all over him. Control freak much?

"Yeah, your point being...." He rolls his eyes



"Excuse me" Luis abruptly gets up from the table. Once he's out of sight I turn back to Usher.

"What's your problem?" The temper in my voice rises, 

"You are my problem." He retorts back. "You have to interfere in everything don't you?" 

"And you can't leave me alone. He's my friend, why are you here?" I ask

"Just, darling" he shrugs

"Don't call me darling" I snap back with my arched eyebrows, burning hole through him

"No, see you'll always be my darling"

"You have a girlfriend or have you forgotten, King Jerk-Face"

"What's going on?" Luis returns, looking scared. After hearing that, I would be too. I and Aaron put a fake smile on, pretending nothing happened. Well, nothing did happen apart from him being a jerk. The tension settled down as I enjoyed the time with my friend even if I had to bear Aaron rude input


"Rachel, what is the role of the Inspector in the play?" Mrs. Atkinson asks.

I mentally groaned. Why me? Out of the whole class. Anna smirks from the other side of the room as she reads my face reaction

"He is the pace of the whole play" I reply vaguely

"Can anyone expand on that?"

"Mrs, the inspector is the dramatic vehicle. He is the driving force of the play, we find out new information because of him which heightens the drama like when Eric raped Eva and-----" Aaron said as the teacher looked around

"Thank you, Mr. Usher, not that much detail" She nods as a smirk appears on his face.

"So class, the title of the play is echoed through Edna, the servant words as announces the arrival of Inspector Goole at the start of the play and in the telephone calls at the end of the play. Just an interesting piece of fact to leave you on" With that said, the bell went and we left the classroom.

The lesson just added to my suspicion of Edna.

"For the last time, Edna didn't sell the disinfectant to Eva" Munni groans

"Listen, she was poor and couldn't have the money for disinfectant so obviously someone gave her and who better than the maid. Also, she knows what happened in the house, maybe she and the inspector are the Avengers, seeking justice for the poor like Robin Hood"

"Rachel, that makes no sense. Robin Hood stole from the rich to give to the poor, not sell disinfectant to pregnant poor women" Ava rolls her eyes

"I agree with Ava" Aaron leans in on Ava' shoulder

"It's rude to eavesdrop" I give him a glare. Who does he think he is?

"You were screaming, I heard" He shrugs, opening a packet of M&Ms. "Want some?" He offers

"Go away, Aaron"

"And if I say no" he hands the packet to one of his minions as he steps close


"You'll what" He smirks as I cautiously step back.

Friends, you could help you know...

"I'll do something" I yell, taking a final step back but unfortunately gravity likes to mock me and I lose my footing fall onto someone

"I'm so sorry" I apologize, trying to hide the embarrassment on my face as I try to get up.

Emphasis on try but the person grabs me.




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