The militia in remnant

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I just finished explaining everything to jack and Sarah Briggs and they all were very surprised to hear about this world.

Jack: so this world has grimm which is a very dangerous creature of darkness?

YN: yeah.

Briggs: and these hunters have abilities, semblance's if you will and they use this to fight Grimm and criminals.

YN: yes and I actually have one apparently when you pass the portal your body is affected by the energy and it mutates you supposedly giving you a semblance or aura.

Jack: wait you have a semblance? What is it?

YN: it's called plasma caster where every firearm I use plasma caster on immediately becomes a plasma gun that can cut through anything, here let me demonstrate.

I pull out my wingman and since we were in port's classroom I got an Ursa cage and opened it and when the Ursa got out when it tried to attack Jack and Sarah I turned on plasma caster and shot it with the result being the plasma going straight through the Grimm killing it.

Jack: woah that is pretty powerful.

YN: damn right it is.

Briggs: well this new info is very interesting. I will have to bring this back to command and hopefully they allow us to maintain a safe treaty with this world and we can help them fight off the Grimm.

Jack: yeah if you will go back is it fine if I stay with YN for now.

Briggs: sure.

Briggs then left and then Jack looked at me smiling and I raised an eyebrow and said.

YN: why you smiling like that?

Jack: can you help me find my semblance?

YN: sure let's go to glynda.

He nodded and when we head for the door Kd went through and said.

Kd: there you are I have been looking for you guys with Bt.

AN: hey guys BT also has a simulacrum body same as Kd so the same rule applies Titan = BT simulacrum= Bt and simulacrum Bt looks like this but the visor is a glowing blue:

AN: hey guys BT also has a simulacrum body same as Kd so the same rule applies Titan = BT simulacrum= Bt and simulacrum Bt looks like this but the visor is a glowing blue:

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Bt: so where are you guys going.

Jack: unlocking my aura/semblance.

Kd: cool can we come?

YN: sure.

We then went to Glynda and when we reached her i asked her to unlock Jack's semblance to which she replied and when she finished saying the chant or something she said.

Glynda: ok jack your aura is unlocked by your semblance might-

She was cut off by jack running through Bt which shocked him.

Jack: woah I can walk through walls!!!

Glynda: well that was fast.

YN: yeah but remember I found my semblance out like two hours later after you unlocked my aura.

She nodded and I just watched jack run through walls or random people then I went to him and said.

YN: ok it's good you are enjoying this but I need to meet someone.

Jack: sure.

I left and then I went to where Winter's ship was supposed to be and when I arrived I knocked on it and then winter opened the door.

Winter: oh hello general what do I owe the pleasure.

YN: please Winter don't Call me that since the militia or UIA is now here I can pass my position to someone more capable.

Winter: oh ok so why are you here?

YN: oh I just wanted to say sorry for snapping at you it wasn't your fault but ironwood's.

Winter: yeah sorry he forced me when he found out we had a date.

YN: yeah.

Winter: and YN I uh... I love you.

She then looked away in embarrassment but what she didn't expect was that I would give her one passionate kiss with me winning the battle and being able to explore her territory but like all things good it had to end since we needed air.

Winter: wow you're good.

YN: yeah so are we a thing?

Winter: we kissed so I yeah.

YN: good.

I then gave her a quick kiss then said goodbye and went to my dorm.

End of chapter

AN: hey guys this is the new chapter and I know that it's short but I just don't know how to extend it so yeah this is it but I hope you liked it and please leave some comments or feedback.

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