New found powers

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I was in the training room right now and I was lifting weights until memories of the apex predators came back to me and I started getting angry again and looking at my arms I see red aura radiating of me again and then the weights I was lifting suddenly had my aura wrapped around it so I smash it to the ground and it released a wave of energy. now I see that I don't just infuse plasma to firearms but I can infuse energy to anything.

Sarah: seems like you have new abilities.

YN: yeah I guess so.

Sarah: hey you want to join the others? I heard they were helping team RWBY investigate the white fang and we need to be with Blake and sun to support them if anything goes wrong.

YN: we splitting up?

Sarah: yeah, we go with Blake and sun, mason and jack goes with Neptune and yang ,and Eli goes with Weiss and Ruby.

YN: huh ok let me get my weapons.

I went to a table and holstered my two wingman pistols then I put my l star on my back and two data knives on my belt.

YN: ok let's head out.

Sarah nodded and grabbed my hand to drag me to wherever the others were and I saw mason flirting? With Blake.

Mason: uh so your cat ears are cute.

Blake: uh yeah but I need to head out now.

I grab his shoulder trying hard not to laugh then say.

YN: you chose the wrong time m8, she is still wrapped up in this white fang stuff so just ask her when this is done.

Mason nods and I put on my helmet then walk to a bullhead with Sarah, Blake, and Sun to vale.

Time skip

Blake and sun infiltrated the recruitment thing and Sarah and I were tasked to give them sniping support when things go wrong and I see Roman ask the recruits to step forward and he recognized Blake and sun so I signal Sarah to shoot the fuse box which she hits and the lights go out.

Sarah: uh I thought Faunuses have night vision?

YN: yeah but not Roman.

We then hear windows breaking and when we look at the warehouse we saw Blake and sun running from the warehouse then a robot, a paladin I think, charged through the walls and started chasing them.

YN: SHIT!!! Sarah let's go.

She nodded and we both jumped off our vantage point then followed them to a highway which if you are asking how we followed them well we used our jump kits to our advantage of course.

YN: Sarah we need to shake that robot off of Blake and sun's tail.

Sarah: literally or figuratively.

YN: just do it.

She nods and she used her semblance to fly towards the robot while I jumped on a car then started shooting the robot with plasma but even with all the holes in it the damn thing functioned properly.

I then got an idea so I open up my comms to contact weiss.

YN: uh hey Weiss are you in any way in the robot's path?

Weiss: yeah I am on a highway above it.

YN: good try to make it get off the highway.

Weiss: sure.

I then jump of the car and grapple on the side of the highway to swing myself to a clearing then call in KD who arrives a minute later and when I embarked in KD I saw the girls and my squad drop down.

YN: so Weiss did your make it get off the highway?

Weiss: look up.

I look up and see through KD's screen the robot falling and when it landed and stood up KD said.

KD: giving controls to pilot.

I switch to the scorch load out then I run towards the paladin and activate the flame core and made a wall of flames towards it burning the robot and  when I saw the metal melting I ran towards it and made KD's hand enter the robots chassis and when I pulled out I saw Roman in it.

YN: well if it ain't Roman Torchwick.

Roman: screw you.

YN: *disembarks from KD and stabs Roman's shoulder* shut up if you want to live.

Roman: ok ok ok I surrender.

YN: ok first why were you recruiting more Faunus to the white fang and second what is your real plans with the white fang.

Roman: if I tell you my boss will kill me!!!

YN: torchweak you should worry about me.

Roman: it's Torchwick.

I then grab the side of his face and start putting plasma on his skin burning him.

Roman: OK OK OK Iwas recruiting more members for an attack in beacon orchestrated by my boss cinder fall. But that's all I know.

KD: his vocal patterns suggest he is telling the truth pilot.

YN: thank you for your cooperation and please say hi to the devil for me.

Roman: WHAT!!!

I then pull the knife from his shoulder and lodge it to his skull killing him.

YN: ah scum like you deserve to die.

Ruby: uh wasn't that brutal?

YN: hey ruby in the real world for me there is no such thing as brutal.

Mason: wells I you guys are done I suggest we head back to beacon.

A girl with a Neapolitan color scheme then came out of nowhere and I just sighed then shot her head with my wingman.

Eli: DUDE!!! Why'd you do that she could have important info and that's just wrong.

YN: read her files already she works for Roman and she is mute so she can't help us.

I then walk away with KD following me and I look back at them to see them showing concerned faces.

YN: *says to himself* this needs to end soon.

End of chapter

AN: hey guys I hope you liked this and more of your new abilities will appear in the future and damn you are brutal here aren't you but hey apex predators are brutal but then again i hope you enjoyed and goodbye.

Remnant's pilot and titan (pilot male reader x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now