A darker side of YN

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We all got back to the lastimosa and I was tasked with interrogating Adam on what he was doing since it was clear that he isn't the big bad so he is strapped it a chair and when I was going to enter I signal a team of doctors be outside the interrogation room and mason to go with me inside and when we got inside Adam spoke up.

Adam: so what are you going to do to me?

YN: answer my questions and I make you leave this place alive.

Adam: ok what will you ask?

YN: who do you work for?

Adam: I work for no one.

YN: wrong answer.

I went up to him and punched his face cracking his mask.

YN: now who do you work for?

Adam: screw you.

YN: hey wrong again.

I then knew his gut making him cough out blood.

YN: now I will ask you again and whatever you do is a win for me since one, if you say the right answer we get the info and two, if you say the wrong answer I get to beat you up to death. Now who do you work for?

Adam: I said NO ONE!!!

YN: look at little Adam trying to raise his voice at me.

I then keep on punching him until he was barely clinging onto life then I said on my comms.

YN: doctors how many hits before he dies?

Doctor: one.

YN: good.

I then look back at Adam and then smile.

YN: so Adam you gonna talk now?

Adam: piece of shit human I won't listen to you.

I sigh then punch him real hard then he died so I told mason to revive him by shocking him to which mason complied and when Adam was revived I order the doctors to get him to a stable condition.

YN: this isn't over Adam  we will continue tomorrow.

I then went out of the interrogation room and saw everyone was watching and they all just stared at me

YN: what are you all looking at.

A pilot then went up to me and he said in a very scared manner.

Pilot: s-s-sir a message came for you.

YN: from who?

Pilot: b-bl-blisk sir.

He then pulled out a recorded video in a holo pad so I played the video and it showed blisk.

Blisk: ah hello there YN and if you are asking yes I know you are in remnant and that you are alive and also I can't wait for our reunion since the rebels and I are in remnant too bye.

I then got so angry that I crushed the recording like a life of paper.

I then looked at the others and they showed a scared look.

YN: what?

Sarah: YN your aura it's red.

I then look at my hands and see red aura emitting from it instead of the usual light blue aura.

Jack: dude you need to calm down we'll end this when the time comes.

YN: yeah I guess.

Our scrolls then vibrate and when we took a look at them we all got the same message about having to meet ozpin at his office so I groan and head to the tower with my squad following me.

Sarah PoV

I watched YN leave the lastimosa so we followed him since we all got the message to go meet ozpin and during the trip I make a very obvious comment.

Sarah: YN is acting aggressive today.

Jack: that's just his apex predator side, usually when the apex predators are mentioned especially blisk he gets aggressive with everyone.

After jack's explanation the whole trip became silent and when we got to ozpin's office we already saw YN picking a fight with a blacked haired woman with red eyes then we hear what seems to be the end of the conversation being like this.

YN: fine you want to see how pilots fight? Then meet me later at 5:00 in the arena we will see if you can really hold yourself against the apex predator.

YN then left the office and we all stare at ozpin and the woman.

Ozpin: ah your guys have arrived I am sorry you had to see a bit of that fight.

Sarah: why was YN inviting you*points to raven* to a fight?

Ozpin: well raven here thought it best to insult YN after she made a complaint about other pilots trying to attack her tribe.

Raven: yeah those pilots attacked my tribe but we killed them all and then when I arrived here and told ozpin everything when that YN guy arrived he said that those were his previous comrades turned enemies then I said that they will be turned into metal shreds and YN apparently takes that as an insult.

Jack: well he has a secret that I think everyone in this room needs to know.

Sarah: what's that?

Jack: the reason he hates those kinds of comments about being scrap metal or metal shreds.

Jack cooper PoV flashback

I was sent with captain lastimosa to investigate an area where the militia said apex predators were last scene and when we arrived I saw a man lying there with his titan damaged I then approached the man and saw him missing his four limbs and when captain lastimosa went to me he gave a look of sympathy at the man when he took off his helmet.

Lastimosa: come on cooper let's bring him back to the militia.


Lastimosa was interrogating the man we found who we now know is YN LN the best apex predator and he explained how he was betrayed and wants payback by joining the militia. Of course the decision was hard for the militia but after a week he was allowed to join and he got robotic limbs and they actually gave him more strength when kicking or punching.

YN took some time to get used to the new limbs but when he did, he became the second best in the ranks next to lastimosa being the first and then there was this one time where everything went wrong.

Some pilots went up to him and one of them started talking.

Pilot1: hey shouldn't you be at the scrap yard being turned to scrap metal?

YN didn't do anything and it seemed like he was trying to ignore them but the group forced him to do something by saying.

Pilot2: you know what I don't even think your that good eventually in the future you will just be dead metal with your flesh disinterested.

Pilot3: why is a mercenary like you even here shouldn't you be somewhere killing civilians or something?

That last thing pissed off YN since he did do those things but he regretted it but back to the point of him being pissed he instantly stood up grabbed his knife and stabbed the first pilot's hand then to a wall making it stuck then the second one tried to hold YN up so the third one can get a clear shot at punching YN but YN just activated his jump kit burning the second pilot's lower area then he elbowed the third pilot's trachea breaking it and making the pilot suffocate to death and after that he always took those words in an offensive manner.

Flashback end no PoV

Everyone except for jack was surprised to hear this and raven felt a little bit uneasy after hearing YN's story and Sarah felt pity for him while the others contemplated on how YN is a cyborg but then again he never did show the skin of his limbs.

End of chapter

AN: hey guys this is the new chapter and yes you are a cyborg just think of it as the winter soldier but instead of just one arm all of your arms and legs are robotic now and you will fight raven and obviously beat her and with that said I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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