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It has been three months already and I have to say being in a relationship with Winter is great but lately she has been distant I mean she did ask to stay to beacon and the new general of atlas aloud it but now she doesn't really like to hang out with me. But it doesn't matter since I am heading to her room and I bump into jack.

Jack: hey YN.

YN: hey Jack how are you?

Jack: fine and I heard that more militia troops will arrive in two weeks.

YN: ok well I am going to Winter so bye.

He waves and then I walk to her room but then I hear moaning and it made me stop but I saw the door slightly open and when I peeked through I saw something that broke my heart for it was Winter kissing another pilot who arrived with jack before and with my anger I kicked the door open and she stood shocked.

Winter: YN uh it's not what it looks like.

YN: oh really so let me guess this pilot just goes into your room then lies down on the bed and then you slip and fall on him making lip contact huh.

Winter: please I'm sorry.

YN: well sorry doesn't cut it my family already betrayed my trust and you did before but I forgave you and now you have taken it too far.

I then look at a corner and see that the pilot's suit was the same as mine but his was white and grey instead.

YN: we are done winter.

I left and then went to the lastimosa where jack was walking through walls again and when he saw me he ran towards me.

Jack: hey YN what brings you here?

YN: I need to change my suit.

Jack: why?

YN: this suit reminds me of my past and I want to forget it.

Jack: uh ok come let's go to the armory and get you one.

I nodded and then went to the armory and jack waited outside and when I was done I walked out in my new suit.

AN: new suit looks like this:

AN: new suit looks like this:

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Jack: damn you look good.

YN: yeah.

Then the speakers turned on and Briggs spoke through it telling me and jack to get to the bridge and when we got there I saw Briggs with a man in a pilot suit also and then Briggs greeted us.

AN: the pilot is the first OC so two more slots to go and his suit is like this:

AN: the pilot is the first OC so two more slots to go and his suit is like this:

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Briggs: ah pilots you are here come meet your new teammate.

YN: sweet hi I'm YN nice to meet ya.

Mason: hi I am mason Anderson code name wolf.

Jack and I were taken back since his voice sounded a lot robotic sort of like BT's voice.

Jack: uh why do you sound like that?

Mason: it's my artificial voice since I lost my lower jaw and now I have a new one that works by connecting to my neural link so I can control it but it changed my voice to this.

YN: well I think the voice is cool but the jaw thing sorry about that.

Mason: it's fine I have grown accustomed to it.

Jack: well let's go to our room in beacon or do you want your semblance unlocked first?

Mason: oh I already got my semblance unlocked like two days ago, it allows me to use electricity when I fight but it isn't unlimited so I have to recharge by absorbing electricity from anything.

YN: neat.

We then went to our dorm where Kd and Bt were talking then jack brought up earlier.

Jack: so YN why did you want to forget your past.

YN: just saw my girlfriend cheating on me with another pilot but I didn't get his name.

Jack: oh dude I am sorry.

Mason: yeah dude I mean that must be hard.

Kd and Bt then took their attention to me but I said.

YN: it's alright guys it wasn't your fault but it still hurts for me.

Then a simulacrum with a sword opened the door to our room and then mason went to it and said.

Mason: oh yeah guys this is my titan well the simulacrum version of my titan Orion and he has a sword because he is a ronin class.

Orion: wow mason you are bonding with others and I though you were cold.

Mason: hey they are our new teammates we have to know each other and be friendly.

Orion: oh ok*notices Kd and Bt* Kd and Bt nice to meet ya.

The two nod and then Orion join them and they start talking about processors and upgrades but I didn't care and said to mason and jack.

YN: hey let's have some training.

Mason and jack: sure.

We head out the room and then went to the training room so I can blow off some steam.

End of chapter.

AN: hey guys this is the new chapter and the first OC is from masonabysswalker so thank you and now there are only two OC slots left and I hoped you liked it.

Remnant's pilot and titan (pilot male reader x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now