The fall of beacon

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AN: hey guys this will be the last chapter of this book but worry not for there will be a sequel and that is actually where the romance for everyone happens so yeah on with the finale.


Today everyone was in the arena again watching a tournament which was Pyrrha against penny and if you are wondering why there is another tournament well the tournament was temporarily paused with the militia appearing and stuff so now it's continued and I can see Kd is nervous about something.

YN: Kd what's wrong?

Kd: it's just that we all know pyrrha's semblance and with Penny being an android I don't think that's a good mix.

YN: well let's just hope she doesn't get ripped apart then. (AN: oh YN you just jinxed it. XD)

Kd just nodded and we watched throughout the whole match.

Time skip

Oh hell what the fuck? One you just have a normal tournament and then two you got Penny all over the fucking floor then all speakers turned on then a female started talking through it.

AN: guys I am too lazy so just put here the speech cinder made in the fall of beacon.

After the speech a nevermore Judy's landed on the shields on top of the tournament and it was pretty smart for me and my squad and other off duty pilots to bring our guns and I currently had a car smg with me so I pulled that out and then I went to Eli and mason.

YN: Eli, Mason I need both of you to get to the lastimosa and call for back up, I think this arena isn't just the place being attacked and take some other pilots with you.

The two nodded and I walked to the others.

YN: ok while they get back up I need everyone else to handle evacuation and make sure none of these people get hurt.

Everyone nodded and we went to different areas of the arena then beowulves started flooding the area while students evacuated so all of us opened fired and thanks to our bullets the beowulves skin got pierced by the bullets easily.

All of us were getting some decent kills but then I noticed the shields of the arena break and so the nevermore flew in to attack Pyrrha who just kneeled next to the dead penny. All of us were pretty far from her and not even the with our jump kit are we able to reach her in time but then ruby slashed at the nevermore using penny's sword and I sighed knowing that Pyrrha wasn't hurt and I saw Kd ease up a little so with that I jump towards ruby with Kd following me and when we got to her I said.

YN: hey ruby you ok?

Ruby: yeah I'm fine.

Kd then kneeled down next to Penny and I saw him touch penny's head then his eyes blinked and with my curiosity I asked.

YN: what did you do?

Kd: penny is an android and so I copied all of her data and personality programs and her memories so we can make another body for her.

I nod then I see the nevermore stand up but then it was crushed by a lot of lockers and then the students who participated in the tournament got their weapons and they started killing the nevermore.

Timeskip again

The students killed the nevermore but some more Grimm appeared so started retreating and when we went to the evacuation area we saw Briggs killing a Beowulf and then I looked past her and saw the atlas fleet attacking our fleet but our fleet had the high advantage thanks to our more advanced firepower.

Briggs: everyone I need you to protect beacon and pyrrha ozpin needs you back down there, I've sent Eli to escort you.

Pyrrha nodded at that and Eli came to her and escorted her back to beacon but then a transport ship got shot down and then I see blisk's titan on a carrier ship shooting down all the transport ships.

Blisk: well YN I see you're here so why don't you call your titan and let's settle this.

YN: you read my mind.

I had removed my helmet and I was about to put it on but Sarah put a hand on my shoulder and she turned me around and... she kissed me and it wasn't a long one but it was long enough for me to get the message.

Sarah: make it back so we can continue.

YN: no promises though.

I then put on my helmet and called in titan KD and when I embarked him I set his load out into the ronin one and then blisk started shooting me with his legion titan so I blocked the bullets with the robin sword and when I got close I tried a stab but blisk's titan side stepped and started shooting on KD's side so I attempted a horizontal slice but he avoided again and this time he used an explosive shot pushing me and KD off the arena and when we were falling KD opened his hatch which had me worried.

YN: KD what are you doing?

KD: don't worry Pilot I am just following my protocol and remember the real KD is with Penny.

I slowly nodded and then he grabbed me and threw me somewhere far but then I hit my head during the fall and I blacked out.

Time skip No PoV

The fall of beacon was over or that's what everyone would say is over but it's more of like abandoned. A giant dragon is there attracting Grimm, ozpin is dead, cinder has the fall maiden powers, pyrrha didn't die but she won't walk for a while and she owes her life to Eli and ruby for saving her. Everyone was hit hard but the one hit most was Sarah for after the fall no sign of YN was shown this making her depressed and the others are wondering on what happened to the militia fleet. Well thanks to blisk's army they were hit hard and the last thing everyone heard from the other dimension was that they were busy and reinforcements would arrive in about 6 months so the enemy is triumphant right now but ruby got a lead on the enemy coming from haven so ruby with ren, Nora, jaune and jack and Sarah and BT and QT(Sarah's titan) they went to a journey to mistral with qrow following them.

Eli is with Pyrrha tending to her wounds, mason has disappeared with Blake and YN isn't dead but gone.

End of volume one

AN: hey guys this is the finale for volume one and I will be making a sequel for this so I will put up an announcement after this chapter when I have made the first chapter.

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