Message 4

4.9K 173 32

-AGUSTD posted-

♡6017  ☆127  >>AGUSTD: Behind every Idol rapper that succeeds there's a weak self standing, its a little dangerous

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♡6017  ☆127  >>
AGUSTD: Behind every Idol rapper that succeeds there's a weak self standing, its a little dangerous.
Jinnie: You and Namjoon still meeting tomorrow
DestructionMon: @ Jinnie I still am👌
KimTaeTae: Stop being depressing.
AGUSTD: Im busy in the studio tomorrow @ Jinnie @ DestructionMon

-KimTaeTae posted-

♡12k  ☆447  >>KimTaeTae: Dance Practice at Hobi's place today @ JhopeSun#Dance#TaeTae#Practice

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♡12k  ☆447  >>
KimTaeTae: Dance Practice at Hobi's place today @ JhopeSun
CHIMCHIM: Wish I could join yous but I have to take care of my Baby Cousin
TheOnlyKookie: Gotta be there in ten 😏😉
AGUSTD: The fuck are you wearing, Pyjamas?

-AGUSTD messaged you-

AGUSTD: Your fashion sense is concerning me.

[Read 17.10]

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