Message 30

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Taehyung .p.o.v.

I knocked on Jungkooks door With my backpack in my arms. He opened the door and music blasted outside.

"You're finally here."I nodded and he wiggled his eyebrows as I went in.

"So how did it go with Yoongi?" I smiled to myself and took off my shoes."Did you two do it?" I looked at him and his mouth widened."So yes?" He yelled and grabbed my shoulders.

I shook my head no."W-we didn't Fuck."My voice broke and he laughed."Your throat sounds a little sore their Tae." I slapped him and he laughed more, I saw Jimin at the end of the hall way and I made my way over to him."I'm surprised you're not limping." "Shut the fu-uck up."Jimin burst out laughing at my voice crack. "Don't make fun of poor TaeTae, he hasn't sucked dick for God knows how long." Jungkook laughed and we went inside Jungkooks room. 

I threw my things on his bed and sat down behind the two on the ground."What are yous gonna play?" I said, surprised my voice didnt break."Overwatch." Jungkook said as he grabbed the two PlayStation controllers. I rested my head on Jungkooks shoulder as he concentrated on starting the game. 

I sighed and the two started their game as I watched...

Time went by fast as I checked the time and it was already 8.37pm. I stretched as i removed my head from Jimin's shoulder, who's I put my head on after Jungkook complained that im distracting him. 

I got up and went over to the light switch, turning the light on."Guys its 8 lets go get something to eat." The two finished their game and slipped on their jackets. I put on my hoodie and we soon were out the door after putting out shoes on. 

We make our way to a nearby fast food restaurant, I open the door and go up to the counter. I order some chicken nuggets and fries before the other two males ordered. Jungkook insisted on paying because 'it was his sleepover'. As he was putting in his pin of his credit card. I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw Yoongi with Hoseok and two other guys. 

I smiled and hugged him. "what are you doing here?" I asked and he hugged back before letting go."Jin and Hoseok draged me and Namjoon out the studio eat." He smiled and i nodded, not realising Jungkook and Jimin left me. "How's your throat?"He asked cockily and I slapped him. "Taehyung! Come her you love bird!" I looked over to see Jimin already sitting at a table with Jungkook."Im gonna go." I said pointing to the two. He nodded and went to order as I jogged over to the two who ate their fries. They both wiggles their eyebrows like 12 year olds as I sat down. I rolled my eyes and took my chicken nuggets and fries.

I paced one in my mouth and looked at the 4 males waiting for their order. they got it and Jungkook looked at me before looking at them. "Yoongi, Hoseok! Come sit with us!" He waved them over and I lightly glared at him. He gave me an innocent smile. Hoseok came over with his order and placed it on the table. He was about to sit down but one of his friends pushed Yoongi causing Yoongi to fall on top of me. He apologised and sat up before glaring at the male who pushed him."Could've just said you wanted me to sit beside Tae, Namjoon." he shrugged and grabbed the the other males hand before sitting next to Jungkook. 

We all talked and got to know each other as we ate our food. Yoongi's hand gently on my thigh with mine on top of his, giving it a light squeeze.  

Of course all good things have to come to an end as we got kicked out due to them closing. it was 11 and we said our byes in front of the Restaurant. I hugged Yoongi before he kissed my cheek. The four left and we went to Jungkook's place again. 

Jungkook turned into his fanboy self and kept repeating how cute me and Yoongi are. "I saw how you and Yoongi held hands, that was the cutest." That was a mistake made by Jimin. Jungkook jumped up and down and squealed, repeating 'oh my god' over and over. I rolled my eyes as we finally got to his house. I greeted his parents who were now home and rushed into his room and fell on the soft mattress. 

"Im so fucking tired." I mumbled into the sheets and heard the two lightly laugh before one of them fell next to me."Ill get you two some blankets and what not." Jungkook said and went out of the room. 

I turned to Jimin and poked his shoulder. A muffled "Whats?" came out of the boy next to me and i laughed."So anything happened between you and Jungkook yet?" He shook his head and turned to me. I frowned and sat up."You two have to get together, yous are actually so cute-" "im back, whats happening?"Jimin sat up at the sound of Jungkook, "Nothing-"I cut him off, "Just talking about how you should kiss jimin already." The raven laughed and leaned over to Jimin, giving his cheek a light peck. "Done." He smiled. Jimin physically turned red and then rolled off the other side of the bed. He hid behind the bed making a squealing sound. 

I looked at Jungkook who was smiling at the sight and placed the blankets on the bed. I got up and stretched before helping Jungkook set up the stuff for sleeping. Jimin soon joined and we got everything ready. 

I rubbed my eyes and let out a yawn as i checked the time again."How the hell is it 1am?" They both shrugged and went over to my bag. I took out my large shirt and a pair of shorts. I slipped off my shirt, replacing it with the baggy one. Jungkook went to his wardrobe to get stuff and Jimin went to the other side of the bed. I got changed first and noticed Jimin taking his time putting on his shirt as he stared at Jungkook's muscular back. 

I grinned mischievously and skipped over to Jungkook who has a shirt in his hands. I leaned to his ear and whispered."I think you should sleep with no shirt today." I said and winked and tilted my head to Jimin as I moved away from him. Jungkook looked at Jimin who was almost drooling. Jimin quickly put his shirt on and pretended like nothing happened. 

I saw the smile on Jungkook's face before he slipped on a pair of tracksuit bottoms. He made his way over to the bed where jimin struggled to function as a human all together. Jungkook ran his hand through his hair, pushing it backwards and I eyes jimin very closely as he had pink cheeks. 

He looked up at me and frowned."What!?" I shook my head and laughed as I went to one of the 'beds' set up on the ground. It literally was just a duvet on the ground with a pillow on top and a thick blanket, at least Jungkook made it fair and he is going to sleep on his bed but will sleep with us. 

I wrapped myself in the blanket and laid down before going on my phone. Jimin laid down beside me, on his spot and laid down on his stomach. Jungkook turned off the light and laid down on the last 'bed'. 

I let out a sigh as I pulled my feet closer to my chest s they are under the blanket. I turned off my phone and slowly started drifting off to sleep.

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