Message 50//Final

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Taehyung's .p.o.v.

I paced around the hall before hearing a knock on the front door. I ran to the door and opened it a little too quickly. Yoongi looked surprised and I took him in.

"Now spill!" Yoongi shook his head and took off his shoes. He went to the living room and I follow behind him. "Where's your perents?" He asked and I told them that I'll get them.

I went to the kitchen and told my mum and dad that Yoongi wants to talk to them. My mother got excited saying that I might get married but I doubted that because we have been dating only for 2 months.

We got to living room and all sat down at the couch the L shaped couch in the corner. Me and Yoongi sitting next to each other and my perents sitting at the part that stuck out so they can see us better.

"So?" My father said and Yoongi took my hand before taking a deep breath. I smiled at him and held his hand,"Don't worry," I said, still not knowing what he will say.

"Can I move into a house with Taehyung?" He said rather fast and looked up at my perents. I couldn't help but smile at him. he wanted to move in with me. ME! out of all people!

"Where to?" My mum said with a smile on her face,"America..." My eyes widened."Wha-what?" I stuttered and turned to face him. He took my other hand in his and turned to face me.

"I got my work noticed by a guy in America but I don't want to move without you. I know we barely see each other but I want to be with you cause you make me so happy, I know you will be finishing school soon so please, Please move in with me. I'll buy the plane ticket, I'll pay the rent, I'll-" Without thinking I kiss him.

I move back, knowing that kissing him for too long in front of my perents will be awkward. "Its okay, I want to. I would live to move in with you. Mum, dad?" I turned and look at the two who stared in aw.

They both nodded their head,"When?" "I was planning in July so, what's that about a week or two?" I hugged the smaller male and nodded."I'll love to,"

He moved me away from him and placed his hands on my cheeks. "I'll contact the man and he can find you a job as well! In photography or modeling! Anything!" He said as he squished my cheeks with his hands.

He let go and i turned to face my perents but I've noticed they secretly left. I smiled and smashed my lips against Yoongi's, "I fucking love you," I said, disconnecting our lips for a split second before kissing him again.

God I love this man so fucking much....

Done!! DONE DONE DONE!!! Thank you SO SO SO SO Much for reading this fic ^-^ I'm so sorry for ending it bit when we reach 10k I might make a wee special and maybe a special of we catch a million ever but I doubt that XD HOPEFULLY YOU ENJOYED THIS FICTION EVEN THOUGH IT WAS SHIT anyways! I love you guys and remember *Whispers* Its markson or never....BYEBYE!!!

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