Message 37

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-AGUSTD Messaged you-

AGUSTD: I miss you :((

KimTaeTae: Already? You left me home 5 minutes ago

AGUSTD: Still miss you though

KimTaeTae: Aww i love the soft side of you!

AGUSTD: Then ill be more soft

KimTaeTae: But i love your rough, angsty side too 😍

AGUSTD: Awww :)

KimTaeTae: When I got into the living room my mum didnt yell at me thank god

AGUSTD: Thats good

KimTaeTae: She did ask lots of questions though O//O and dad kept saying"Thats my boy, no longer a virgin!!" But I dint think hes proud that i got fucked in the ass by a male thats shorter than me😂

AGUSTD: Did you not like it? We can not do it again if you want...

KimTaeTae: NO! I fucking loved it😍

AGUSTD: Im glad 😏

KimTaeTae: When will we hang again?

AGUSTD: I dont gonna be busy in the studio..

KimTaeTae: Okay okay, i should head to bed its almost midnight and im quite tired

AGUSTD: Okay :) Night baby boy❤

KkmTaeTae: Night mint, dont go to bed too late❤

AGUSTD: Dont worry I won't❤

[Read 11.45pm]

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