Message 7

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-AGUSTD posted-

♡2401 ☆250 >>AGUSTD: ☺❤#smile#happy

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♡2401 ☆250 >>
DestructionMon: Holy shit since when do you smile?
Jinnie: Since when are you damn happy?!
KimTaeTae: Nooooo you dyed your beautiful blue hair 😭

-AGUSTD messaged you-

AGUSTD: Ayoooo

KimTaeTae: Im not talking to you


KimTaeTae: As if😭

AGUSTD: The blue was fading out and my roots where my natural hair colour.

KimTaeTae: You will dye your hair a cool colour again right?

AGUSTD: Yes i will TaeTae

KimTaeTae: Hold on...

ADUSTD: What...

KimTaeTae: You are acting very differently...

AGUSTD: What do you mean im acting weird its me Sugahaks

KimTaeTae: What the hell?

AGUSTD: Sorry Jin took my phone while i was peeing

KimTaeTae: too much info

AGUSTD: Oh its never too much info with you😉

KimTaeTae: stfu

AGUSTD: Make me, Twink

KimTaeTae: Just that i am gay doesnt mean im a twink for the last fucking time

AGUSTD: Wait you're actaully gay?

KimTaeTae: Well DUHHHH its says "openly homo" in my insta bio, My friend jungkook is bi and thats why hobi ships me and him...

AGUSTD: I thought....NVMMMMM

KimTaeTae: You are such an idiot 😂

AGUSTD: Shut up twink

KimTaeTae: I swear to god, If i ever meet you in real life i will fucking prove you that i am not a damn twink!

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