Message 20

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Taehyungs .p.o.v.

I sighed and fixed my shirt, I looked in the full body mirror and groaned."Yoongi will never find me attractive."I said and spun around to check my clothes out.

I heard knocks downstairs , followed by my mum panicking. "Yoongi's here, he's here!" Mum called out and opened the door as I made my way down the stairs. He greeted my mother and looked up at the stairs, his eyes sparked and he smiled.

I waved him over and mum moved out the way. He took of his shoes and left them next to the rack before rushing up the stairs to me."Baby Boy, you look so stunning."He hugged me and the smell of his cologne filled my nostrils.

"You've really out done yourself Yoongi." I said, not getting enough of his smell. I disconnected from the hug and tried not to drool. He was so attractive, his black ripped jeans hugged his legs along with a button up shirt which had two top buttons unbuttoned. His sleeves where rolled up and he held a leather jacket to his stomach."Stop staring." He said as he noticed me checking him out.

"Sorry your just too hot." I licked my lip and he shook his head, he let out a small laugh and went to my room."Mums making dinner so we are gonna all eat together apart from dad cause hes staying late in work today." He nodded and fell down to my bed.

I laid down beside him. I stared down at his pretty features."Stop staring." He said looking away from his phone.

"How could I not stare?" I chuckled and he slapped my arm. He grabbed my collar; pulled me down and connected my and his lips.

I melted into the kiss instantly, His lips where near perfection and I  couldn't get enough of them.

I moved away and lifted him up before connecting our lips again. I placed my hand on his smooth cheek before moving it around his head. He moved and sat on my lap and wrapped his arms around my neck. He disconnected our lips and pressed our foreheads against each other.

I smiled and he smiled back before I wrapped my arms around his chest and hugged him. He rested in the crook of my neck, I could feel him smile into my neck with his face getting warmer and warmer.

"Today will be fun." I smiled and he righted his grip around me."Yeah it will."He mumbled and I laughed before petting his now brown locks of hair.

He got up from my lap and I frowned."Dinner isn't done yet." I said and grabbed him by his waist and made him sit on my lap again. I smiled up at him and he placed a gentle kiss on my nose."Also whose the twink now huh?" I laughed and he rolled his eyes."Just that you are taller than me don't mean shit baby boy." He nudged me down, causing me to lay.

He bent down and connected our lips together, the nickname from earlier making me shiver. I trailed my hand along his back and rested my other hand in the bend of his back.

He disconnected our lips and smiled. He pressed his forehead against mine again. He sat up, his hands rested on my chest as he sat on my stomach.

He was very light which made it feel that just a large dog was laying on my stomach. "Taehyung?" I heard my mother call out my name and Yoongi sprang up and sat next to me.

She opened the door and I sat up."I didn't interrupt anything did I?" I shook my head and she smiled."Dinners ready."She said and we both got up.

We followed here to the kitchen where we sat down at the large dinner table. I sat at the left with Yoongi by my side. Eonjin and Jeonggyu walked in, giggling before sitting down.

"Calm down you two." Mum said as she brought over the food. Mum went back to the counter and Eonjin made a kissy face at me and Yoongi, Jeonggyu giggles again and I turned to look at Yoongi.

He laughed and took my hand in his. I blushed and looked away as he held my hand in the table.

I looked at the two kids and they where giggling."Now calm down you two, one day you will find someone too." Both of the kids made gagging sounds as mum gave them food.

I tightened my grip on Yoongi's hand and looked at him as he sat there a little sad.

"Whats wrong, mint?" I asked and he looked at me before sighing."I wish my family was like this."  I frowned before giving him a quick peck on the cheek."What do you mean you wish? We are your family..."

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