Message 47

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Taehyungs .p.o.v.

I skipped down the street as the other three tagged along behind me, I was beyond excited to see my mint. I saw the opening to the park and a small male standing there staring at his phone, I ran over and before he got to look up, i kissed his cheek. I guess he recognised my lips because a smile grew on his lips and he looked up before giving me a peck on the lips."Hi, Nice afternoon, Isn't it?" He asked and I nodded, I heard one of the others clear their throat and we made our way into the park where we later on found Namjoon and Jin.

I can't believe me and Yoongi have been together for about two months or more, time flies. I took hold of his hand as we walked down the peaceful park, I hummed a melody as Hoseok, Jin and Namjoon talked together as Jimin begged Jungkook for a piggyback. 

"What cha humming?" Yoongi asked,"Talking to the moon by Bruno Mars," He nodded his head and smiled."Cute," He said and stared forward with a smile. I stopped looking at the angel beside me and concentrated on the path. 

Jimin was on Jungkooks' back and Jungkook ran off into the shade under a big tree with a big empty space under it.  He knocked jimin down on the grass and sat under the tree where everyone else joined them, I sat down and dragged Yoongi onto my lap. He groaned and i placed my head on his shoulder. "I love you," I whispered into his ear and saw the boys lips spread into a gummy smile,"I love you too,"

All seven of us talked and talked until the sun was setting and everyone went their own ways. Jungkook and Jimin said they will grab something to eat, Jhope and Namjoon went to the studio, Jin went home and i begged Yoongi to come home with me all the way while walking out of the park and he gave in, I gave his cheek a light peck and took his hand in mine as we made our way to my house.

When we got to my house after a short relaxing walk it was already dark and i knew my younger siblings will be sleeping. I opened the door and slipped off my shoes, Yoongi doing the same. "You're finally home, you said you will be away for 20 minutes with Jungkook and Hoseok but you were away for a good 2 hours- Oh hi Yoongi," Her tone softened as she entered the hall and saw Yoongi, I burst out laugh and Yoongi let out a few giggles too.

"Ahhh mum, God I love you," I said and she smiled,"Would you like something to eat? Its around supper time and we have a few left overs from dinner," She smiled and I shook my head,"Would you want anything Yoongs?" "What would you have Mrs Kim?" "You can call me Mum and we have some spaghetti," She smiled wildly and Yoongi nodded,"That sounds great!" We went into the living room as my mum went to grab some food for Yoongi.

"Mums spaghetti is the best! You'll love it," I smiled and he sat down on the couch, I laid down and placed my head on his lap, looking up at his pretty features.He looked down and smiled. "You are so fucking beautiful," He said and ran his hand through my hair,"Stop it," I said and covered my face as I felt it heat up from the smallest of compliments (Especially when they come out of Yoongi's mouth)

He moved my hands and bent down to kiss me, I lifted myself up a little and our lips connected for a small moment and then i fell back onto his lap and he looked up. 

Mum walked in and put his spaghetti on the coffee table."do you want some juice or something Tae?" I nodded,"Ill have apple juice," "How about you Yoongi?" "Im good for now, thank you," She nodded and left. I cuddled into Yoongi's flat stomach, I wish i was as skinny as him but instead i have belly like some kid. 

I pouted and closed my eyes."What are you thinking about?" He asks and runs his hand through my hair again,"How you're perfect and I'm not," He laughed and shook his head."Why would you think that?" "Cause your body is perfect like your so skinny and pretty and i'm chubby," I pouted and he got up, causing me to fall of the couch,"What!?" I looked up at him with wide eyes. "You're no where near chubby TaeTae," He said and I looked down and bit my lip." But i have a belly like a 7 year old," "But thats cute," He said and helped me up onto the couch again before sitting my down on his lap.

"Boy you thicc with four c's so thicccc," I slapped his chest and turned towards him with my legs resting on either side of his,"You're such a dork-" I was cut off by my gasp as he squeezed my ass,"Yeah definitely thicccc maybe add a few more c's though," "Stop!" I laughed and nuzzled into the crook of his neck. 

He moved and got his spaghetti as I stayed hugging him like a koala. I heard him eat his Spaghetti and I moved from his neck before looking at him with puppy eyes, he smiled softly and gave me his fork full that he was twirling,"Should've gotten your own," "Yeah I know but i'm not hungry," I ate the spaghetti of the fork and gave him his fork back. 

Soon my mum walked in with my apple juice,"Sorry i could find the apple juice and had to get the one from the top shelf of our cabinet which was impossible," She put the glass onto the coffee table with a coaster under it, not even questioning how me and Yoongi were sitting.

"Couch too small boys?" She said and laughed after I nodded,"Ahh Young love, I remember when me and your father were young," "Not this again.... Uhh mum can you leave me and Yoongi need to have a private conversation..." She rolled her eyes,"Should've just said 'Shut up mum I don't care about your love life with dad, you're old'," She said deepening her voice at 'my part'.

"Anyways have fun, use protection, don't be loud the kids are sleeping. I'm heading to bed," "Wait wait wait," I repeated and got up from Yoongi and gave my mum a kiss on the cheek,"Goodnight," She then left and i went back over to Yoongi,"You're actually the definition of a baby boy," I smiled with blush creeping up to my cheeks."Shut up," I sat back down on his lap as he finished his spaghetti.

I yawned and my eyes got heavy,"Wanna head to bed baby boy?" I smiled and nodded. I took his plate and put it into the kitchen and getting him a glass of water before going back to the living room and taking my apple juice,"Common," I told him and we went to my room.

I placed the two cups on the bed side table and he sat down on the bed,"I'll give you a shirt to change into," He nodded and i took out a shirt for him before throwing it his way. I took out my pyjama shorts and shirt, I took of my shirt and i felt a pair of arms wrap around me,"You're so cliche Yoongi," "sorry couldn't help myself, your skin is soft and pretty," He says and kisses my neck, I melted under the touch of his lips and closed my eyes as he travelled kissed down my neck and on my shoulders. 

I was in bliss just by his gentle kisses. I loved it so much that this man could just couch and ill be head over heels for him.

He bite my shoulder and i let out a quiet mewl. His kissing turned more harsh,"I want people to know your mine," He sucked on my neck as i bit m lip and rolled my head back. "Let's head to bed," He nodded and let go of me and i already missed his touch.

I finally changed and crawled into bed with him, he wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead, making me feel small and protected.

"Goodnight," He mumbled and i hummed in response.

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