Message 12

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Taehyungs .p.o.v.

I woke up to soft hair tickling my face. I blew it away but it soon returned to my face. I opened my eyes being blinded by a light from the other males phone screen.

I groaned as I hid my head in his hair, he let out a laugh."Wake up sleepy head your mum was here and took the laundry."He said. I was moving mt hand away from his waist but he grabbed my hand."Stays you fucker, its cold."He said trying to sound like he wasn't lying. 

I wrapped my hands tighter and moved them so they are on his chest also before pressing my head rest on the crook of his neck."Yoongi?" I mumbled."Yes twink?" I sighed and rolled my eyes."What a weird first meeting we had." "At least I don't remember any of it." I heard the smile in the toe of his voice and I shook my head."Come on lets get breakfast." I said and got up. He whinnied and i looked at him in aw as he sat up with goosebumps covering his skin."You are too cute Yoongi to be a top."I laughed and swatted my hand away as I was about to touch his face.

I saw he was still shivering so I went behind him and hugged his smaller body."I little Yoongi cold." "Stop it, Just that I am smaller doesn't mean anything." He said and leaned his back into my chest. I placed my head on his shoulder, my eyes getting heavy again. His phone slipped out of his hand and he also started to drift back to sleep.

There was a knock on my door causing us to wake up.I looked up and saw my mother smiling at both of us."Good morning boys, Hopefully you had a good night sleep." She smiled at us and i felt a light blush creeping up my face. 

She walked over to the bed and gave us a tray with two plates with three pancakes on each."Would you like maple syrup or honey?" "Honey." We both said at once cause us to laugh. "So what is you name?" Mum looked up after putting Honey on Yoongi's mini tower of pancakes."I'm Yoongi. Min Yoongi, Friends call me Suga." "Well Yoongi what kind of relation ship do you have with my son?" She asked and put honey on my stack also before putting the squeeze bottle of honey into her aprons front pocket.

"Well..."He looked down, sounding a littler worried."I met Yoongi on Instagram and we have gotten really close." I said and she smiled."So you guys dating or.." "Oh no no no!" I shook my head and Yoongi rubbed the back of his neck.  

She laughed and left before calling our for my father."Honey Taehyung finally has a Boyfriend!" I face palmed and groaned."So your parents know you are gay?" "Yeah I told them when i was about 15." "I haven't told mine." He looked down at the pancakes on his lap. I nodded, understanding why he would've not said yet.

"So ill walk you ho-" "Who said I want to leave yet?" He said and i smiled like an idiot as i pierced my pancake with my fork."Sorry Yoongs but I have to move because I want to eat my pancakes." I moved and he fell backwards. 

He looked up at me with a poker face before I saw a his lips twitch a little as if he was going to smile."You called me Yoongs." He smiled and I nodded before tilting my head to the side like a confused puppy. "I haven't heard anyone call me that for over 6 years." He sat up and lightly pecked my cheek causing me to turn pink and hide my face with my right hand.

Yoongi laughed an took his plate before enjoying his pancakes. I took my plate and did the same, taking pieces off of the pancake and putting it into my mouth. We ate out pancakes in peace the only noise being the neighbours kids messing about. 

When i was don't eating my pancakes and so was Yoongi i stacked my plate on his and put out forks on the top."So do you have any siblings?" I nodded,"I have two younger siblings but they are at my grandparents house right now, You?" "I have an older brother, we dont talk much." He shrugged and i nodded.

I stood up and did he, I took the plates and went down stairs to the kitchen. He followed me the whole time. I got to the kitchen and saw my father making his coffee.

"Morning dad." "Morning, did you have a good night sleep?" I smiled and nodded."Yes i did." He turned around and leaned against the kitchen counter with his coffee in his hand."Good morning to you too Yoongi." Yoongi bowed slightly at the my older father and smiled."Morning Mr Kim." "You are very well behaved kid, I like it." He smiled and I nodded. 

"How long are you planning to stay?" "Im not sure, I-" "Dad, Yoongi lives in a bad apartment so i let him stay here for today so he has a nice place to stay at." My father nodded and stopped mixing his coffee."Well im gonna go watch the news then head to work, take care." He walked past me and ruffled my already messy hair. 

Yoongi took my hand and I placed the dishes into the sink."What do you want to do, We have all day." I smiled and he smiled back before replying."Movies and get to know each other more?" I nodded to his words, agreeing for his request....

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