A/N - Get to know me! (the author)

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I did this a year ago and a lot has changed and lots of people are reading this book so maybe you'll want to get to know me idk? ALSO, thank you so s so much for 80k this is INSANE

What is the first book that made you cry?
Splitting of the mind by > GaiaMDMA
It's a Frerard fic and it made me sob

What is the first book that made you cry?Splitting of the mind by > GaiaMDMAIt's a Frerard fic and it made me sob

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Real name?
Friends call me El and family usually call me Ella or Ellie or just El like everyone else.
I don't like my name and it means "i am God's daughter"/"i am oath of god"
It's also the czech version of "Ella" or "Elizabeth"

Does writing energize or exhaust you?
Fanfic > Exhausts me
My actual book, Burnt skies > energizes me. My actual book will be out by june next year probably

15, my birthday is September 3rd.

What other authors are you friends with, and how do they help you become a better writer?
I don't have friends who really write and if they do we don't discuss it, I'm my main critic and i let my friends read my stufff to check it

Where do you get your inspiration?
Dreams and movies. I usually write about based on what i dreamed of the night before, what I want to happen to me, what I've experienced myself and what I've seen on tv or irl

If you could tell your younger writing self anything, what would it be?
Please don't use all caps for like a full sentence, use gramerly please, use better words, use capitals in the right places, Please don't use QUOTEV and yeah take your fucking time while writing about relationships, just that you never been in one doesn't mean you have to skip the building up of a relationship.

Favourite book you wrote?
Either this fanfic since it seems to be popular and i personally loved writing it or my book that im writing > burnt skies

As a writer, what would you choose as your mascot/avatar/spirit animal?
If it was a animal ot would either be a rat, bird or ferret to show my energetic personality (If it was a rat it would either be one of my rats that passed Yuki or Echo OR it would be Paddy who is my current rat)

As a writer, what would you choose as your mascot/avatar/spirit animal?If it was a animal ot would either be a rat, bird or ferret to show my energetic personality (If it was a rat it would either be one of my rats that passed Yuki or Echo OR it w...

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