Message 34

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Taehyungs .p.o.v.

I grabbed random clothes to change into and my phone charger before stuffing then into my bag.

I rushed down stares, into the Living room where i knew my mum would be watching TV.

"Mum?" "Yes honey? Why are you up so late? You finished your School work didn't you?" She turned around to look at me and smiled.

"Yes I have," I said calmly and smiled."So what's up?" She asked looking a little concerned."Nothing's wrong I'm just going out," I smiled and she nodded

"Where are you going at midnight?" "Yoongi's House," I smiled and she nodded."Well go ahead, I wont stop you. Just be home by 5pm tomorrow okay?" I nodded and went over to her. I have a light kiss on her forehead as a thank you and made my way to the stairs.

"Oh and mum, you should head to bed, it's getting late," I made my way up the stairs and put on a hoodie.

I heard a car beep outside the house and I rushed out my room with my backpack in my hands."Have fun, Use protection,"Mum called out the Living room as I put on a pair of Converse. I laughed before telling her a quick goodbye.

I jogged out the door, closing it behind me. I saw the car which I guessed was Yoongi's and ran up to it. I opened the door and was greater by a grinning Yoongi."You excited for our first official sleep over? The first time doesn't count cause I was dead ass drunk,"I laughed and nodded as I sat down and fastened my seat-belt.

The  journey was quiet but not awkward. We pulled up to a dirty street and Yoongi spoke up out of the silence,"Sorry, my apartment isn't the best and please ignore anyone who tries to talk to you..." "Why?" "You're a pretty young boy, I'm pretty sure any of the drug addicts in that apartment will want a piece of you, so just keep your head low and follow me." He parked the car and we got out.

I followed him to a apartment  building that was falling apart. He unlocked the front door with a key and let me in first, I made my way up a small flight of stairs before turning around to look down at him. He struggled to lock the door and gave up before mumbling a few curse words at it.

He went up to me and took my hand in his. I smiled as I looked at our hands, not looking where we went.

We entered a shitty elevator. He pressed the number 5 and we soon went up to the fifth floor. The elevator made ridiculous sounds and shook a little. Making me scared, I never trusted elevators.

I squeezed Yoongi's hand tighter and he smiled. We got to his floor and I saw a man. I lowered my head and followed Yoongi as he held my hand. We got to a door labelled 5F. He unlocked it and let me in.

For it being a shitty apartment building, his didn't look that bad. I actually quite liked it. It wasn't big of course but it was a nice size with a kitchen and Living room in one which was the first room you entered. "Shoes off, please. I hoovered yesterday." I nodded and slipped off my converse. I look at him and he took my shoes, placing them into a closet next to the front door.

I made my way to the scruffy couch with a blanket on top of it."Make yourself at home." He smiled and I leaned back into the rather comfy couch. "Is this all you have or?" "I also have a bathroom with a small bathtub/Shower, a shitty sink and a toilet that I've gotten fixed over 5 times this year and also a bedroom." I stood up told him I wanted to see the bedroom. He nodded and led me to his bed room.

It was nice. A large king sized bed with a wardrobe, a few instruments and books laid about and he also had some cleaning things here, like a hoover, duster brush thingy and a few other things."I'm impressed Yoongi," I said and he smiled."I like your home,"I smiled and then noticed something. I went to his bed and lifted up the covers. There laid a huge teddy bear. It was pastel pink and looked soft. I turned to him and he scratched the back of his neck."My grandma got me it two years back and I like it..." I laughed and left the bear on the bed as I walked over to the fridge. I bent down as I looked into it."I'm so hungry!" I felt Yoongi's eyes on me."So am I," I teasingly wiggled my butt and then he walked closer to me. I felt a hand in one of my ass cheeks."Would you like a beer Baby boy?" "Sure," I said as I still looked into he fridge for a snack. I got back up and he handed me a beer from under the sink.

I opened the can and took a sip. I leaned against the wall, beer In my hand....

I sat on Yoongi's couch, sipping on my second beer and scrolled through my Instagram. Then I got a notification that Yoongi messaged me."Really? I'm right next to you," I said and turned at the grinning male. I opened the message and read it.

AGUSTD: Wanna have some fun?

KimTaeTae: What do you mean?


KimTaeTae: I cant be bothered guessing

AGUSTD:Fine ill skip all the talk, I want to suck your dick.

KimTaeTae: YOONGI!

No reply, instead Yoongi came over to me and a kneeled in front of me."Come on Baby Boy,~"

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