Message 11

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Taehyungs .p.o.v.

I pulled a jacket over my pyjama shirt and went down stares to the front door. I shoved my phone into my pocket and slipped on a random pair of my shoes. I got my keys and got out the door. 

I went to my car and hopped in. I did the things I needed to before driving off, knowing my parents probably heard that but they don.t care. You see my parents know im in a collage for artistic people and what not. I write lyrics, dance, help Hoseok so Choreographic and many other things so me staying up until like 3 am is normal and me leaving the house really late is also normal because if i need anything for my school or i just need a break ill drive somewhere so my parents are use to it.

I drove to the middle of the town and got to the place I knew Yoongi was at because that's the place I usually take my 2 am walks. I slowed down as i opened my window and looked around."Yoongi?" I said once and I saw some movement a little further away."Yoongi." I said again and saw the boy look up at me as i got nearer to him.

It was lightly raining meaning he was soaked as he sat on the wet ground. I got out of the car and jogged over to him."TaeTae you're here! I knew you would come." He slurred and tried to clumsily get up.

The boy even though it was dark and he was wasted, he was rather beautiful and not at all ugly like he said he thought he was. I helped the man up and noticed he was shorter then me. I smiled and took his hand. "Follow me Yoongi." We walked together to the car, well he stumbled for a while then walked then stumbled again.

I helped him sit down in the passenger seat. I buckled him up and closed the door. I went to my seat and closed my door."Taehyungie my ass is wet." He groaned and i sighed."If you didnt go out getting drunk then your ass wouldn't be wet." I turned to him and he pouted out his bottom lip making him look adorable.

"I'm sorry Taehyung." He looked down at his lap and I laughed.He looked up at me confused as I rubbed my face and tugged at my hair."You're too fucking cute Yoongi" I said with my hands still covering my face. This is how i meet the man i find attractive and been talking to over 4 weeks now.

"Let drive you home." I said and put my hands on the steering wheel."Please Tae, I don't want to go to that trash can." "Fine you are coming to mine, now no more talking." I made a U turn to the way I came from.

The drive was short and silent whenever we parked into my drive way i looked at Yoongi and sighed."Right take of your shoes and try to be quiet, my parents are asleep upstairs." He nodded and i got out of the, he struggled but got out and walked towards me.

I locked the door and opened the front door for him, he stumbled and slipped off his now brown Adidas shoes. I took off my converse and slid them into the shoe rack before locking my door. I took Yoongi's shoes and put them in front of the shoe rack. I walked to Yoongi who was struggling to walk up the stairs as he clutched onto the railing for his dear life.

I wrapped an arm around his and he did the same as he walked up. When we got to my room I saw mum peak out of her room. I shook my hand and signalled her to go back to bed. I got Yoongi into my room and closed the door behind me. 

When I turned around he was already taking off his black jeans."Woah, woah, woah, what are doing?" I said walking over to him as he slipped off his jeans. He gave them to me and asked,"Can i have a pair of sweatpants?" I nodded and went to my closet, I threw a pair at him and passed him a plain shirt also."Give me your shirt and jacket ill put it into my washing basket, My mum does the laundry every morning." He nodded and gave me his leather jacket which i put on my chair. He took off his shirt and gave it to me, I couldn't help and stop for a little before staring.

He didnt have abs abs but he has slight abs along with slight tummy, His chest was nice too and looked perfect to snuggle into. I shook my head and put his clothes into my laundry basket. I slipped off my jacket and threw it somewhere."You happy now?" I asked and he nodded. I walked to my bathroom and grabbed a bucket, I put it to the side of the bed I don't sleep at and he looked at me weirdly."I don't want your vomit on my floor when you wake up hung over." He nodded and I rubbed my eyes.

"Lets go to sleep Yoongi." I said and he nodded. I plugged my charger into my phone and laid down on my bed. I felt a pair of arms snake around me before I turned around and did the same to the smaller male. I rested my head above his, his face pressed against my Adams apple. 

We both fell asleep that night in warmth of not only the blanket covering us but also each others body warmth.....

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