There She Is.....

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Jake walked down the side walk eating his bagel. He checked his phone and the time was,  1: 28.  Luckily he turned the corner and faced the donut shop.  He looked at the picture of the girl. He looked around the whole shop.  Jake walked into the shop and walked all around the store to find this mystery girl. He decided to text Kade.
J:  hey  idk where she is.  Shes not here.
K:  um have you checked everywhere?
J: yeah but maybe shes in the bathroom.
K:  text me for an update
J:  k bye

He looked around and then saw the hottest girl he's ever seen.  He looked down at the picture and looked at her.  It was her
J:  I see her.
K:  talk to her
J:  okay I will.  I will update u later.
He got up and approached the girl.
J:  Hey.
?:  I assume you got my letter.
J:  Yep.  What's your name
E:  Ericka......


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