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It was 12 in the afternoon when my parents showed up. I was on cloud nine. I got one more day to spend with them. Firstly we did our lunch together and Maa and Mom bond so well like they were lost sisters. Later we went for walk in the garden. And I was speech less. It was in the backyard of the house. And it is beautiful than expected. There was path made up of small random rocks. We walked on them and passed the area. The garden had 3 different colors of roses. Pink, red and white. Ashoka trees standing straight near to the boundary walls and behind that wooden fences. The grasses were freshly cut. And in the middle there is small pond with pebbles around it. We spent there almost 1-2 hours there only. It was so relaxing and soothing.


In evening time their attorney came for our signature on marriage certificate and I happily signed. I don't know why I felt happy but it feel like it is the best thing. I signed with Sanyukta Shekhawat first time and I feel great and blissful. Later we had dinner with laughs. Sometimes I glanced at him but he was already staring at me and I feel flushed and shy. All the time he was carrying a heart warming smile which certainly melting my heart somewhere. I goodbye my parents with moist eyes. This time I cried less coz my mother in law pulled me in her embrace and others chuckled even I also leaned in her embrace like she is my mother than my in law. My parents told me that they will directly met me at the airport tomorrow morning. Yes with sun rise I will left this country with him.

Before leaving for our room I said goodnight to my in laws and thanked them for this beautiful day. Mom eyed on me for thanking them but didn't said anything just patted my cheeks and left from there. And I left with him to our room. 


Next morning arrived and I woke up before my time. The digital clock showing 6: 30 am. With smile I sit up but I didn't find him by my side. The bed was all empty and his side is neatly arranged and again I m in the middle. I just hope I didn't do anything which made me embarrassed in front of him. He is really a morning person and I have to change my habits. I did my morning business and went downstairs. Maids were busy in cleaning. When they saw me they greeted me and I happily greeted them back. I went to dinning room and sits for a while. No one was there till the time. The grand clock ticked and echoed the hall by telling its 8 in morning.

He came with wet hair and dressed in white jeans and light pink T-shirt underneath and white jacket on it. He should be model instead of business man.His personality is definitely like a model. I feel warmness in my cheeks and ears. He is really effecting me with his personality. He sits beside me.

Randhir: Good morning.

I: Good morning.

I said with low voice and his manly scent hit my nostrils. He smells like musk and old spice. I heard him but my in laws made their presence before I asked him to repeat.

We greeted each other and this time I said Mom and Dad. They give me wide happy smile. The butler served our breakfast and we completed eating. I have only 30 mins for packing but when I reached my rooms. There were two maids who were packing my clothes. At my home I always packed myself but here I m treating like princess. When they saw me they smiled and closed my bags. My three bags were ready and three male servants came and took my bags. I changed my clothes in tight black denim with grey crop top with black casual jacket. I went to hall and they all are waiting for me.

Mom: Shall we go ?

I nodded and we walked out. In front of the home two cars parked. One is dark royal blue car Audi R8 sports and other is Mercedes Benz S-class with red color. My mouth hanged opened. Both cars were my favorite. I means I had a car at my home but it is Mercedes Benz Cabriolet with yellow color but here. I swallowed my bile. I was in dazed and in awe.

I felt the warmness in my left palm and looked down his palm perfectly fitted in mine. I looked up and matched with his eyes. They were shining and twinkling. They were not cold but gentle and soft. I feel shy and lowered my lashes. He pulled and we sit in Audi R8 sports where his parents sat in the other one. Driver start driving. I feel like my heart beat fasten up. As after our marriage this is the first time we are sitting again together. His musky fragrance making my stomach knotted and twisted. Why the hell I m feeling like this for him. Why he is the only man who erupts this type of feelings inside me. In my college time there were so many boys but no one have the appearance or aura he is carrying around him. How I make up till the drive comes to end. I start looking outside to calm my breathe.


Finally car comes to halt and I looked around. We are at the airport parking. He went out and I opened my door but he was standing outside my door.

Randhir: Let me honored.

He asked for my hand with a smile and I with slow blush forward my hand. We walked toward entrance and my parents were standing there. I left his hand made my way to them. I hugged my Paa tightly and start crying. He caress my head and back and kissed top of my head. I turned to Maa and hugged her tightly in my embrace. I don't know but if I will loose my grip may be they will vanish.

She broke the hug and kissed my forehead. She signal him and he came forward.

Maa: Son I m giving her to u. Hope u will love and cherish her till the end.

Randhir: I will.

He said with so much of sincerity in his voice like he is promising and all my heart rocketed up with nervousness or excitement. I don't know but the sincerity in his voice made me to think will he do? 

We bid our byes and walked inside the airport. We are not going in the direction where all passengers were going but we are going opposite of that. Is he forget the way ? Should I tell him he is going in wrong direction. I just opened my mouth to speak and there is small plane is standing in front of me. I gaped Does he own this ? I heard him chuckled.

Randhir: Yes I owned this but from now it is yours too. So shall we go inside.

I m flushed did I said so loud that he heard me. I should be careful with my thoughts when I m around him. If he heard me that he is effecting me may be his attitude will towered to a great height.

We ascend the 5 small stairs and reached at the gate. There is a girl dressed in red jacket with cream color pencil skirt with a huge smile. May she is our hostess. 

Girl: Good morning Sir. Welcome. Please this way.

He entered and she turned to me. Her expression change from smile to little frown but soon she covered it with fake smile. What did I do ?

Girl: Good morning ma'am. Please have this way.

She got aside and I entered. It looks bigger than outside. It is all white with 2 white chairs with black cushions and in between small white table. There is small sofa with black cushions on its side.

Girl: Ma'am please sit. We are going to take off.

She passed but before she looked down and smile. I looked there and he was sitting with buckled belt around his waist. I frowns and sit opposite of him. I buckled my belt around my waist. From speaker we heard our pilot voice.

Pilot: Sir we are going to take off. Please buckle up.

He pressed a button and spoke.

Randhir: Daniel we all are ready. U can go ahead.

There is authority in his voice and somewhere I liked it. He turned to me and smile.

Randhir: If u want to sleep there is bedroom too but after we are in air.

I nod with blinked eyes.

I: thank u.

He give me soft small smile and we soon take off.


Ignore grammatical errors and spelling mistake..


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