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Love comes when we least expect it. I wasn't hunting for love or any attraction. I was simply living my personal life and work life. I also try my best to reject my marriage proposal and when she agreed I simply doubt her and become very suspicious. 

What u think now ?

I chuckled lightly. That now I m ready for love. I felt like I was an idiot who put this type of condition. If she disagree then I will lost my perfect partner and love.

U r her love too.

My heart swelled with pride. I m her love too. When she confessed I was taken aback. I mean I never thought she will confess like this. I know she was in love I can she in her eyes but confession like this. And it take me few minutes to grasp her words. But when I did all mind filled with my desire. All I see her soft petal lips. I just feel like kiss her till she was out of breathe.

And u did the same.

I scoffs. I did and I want more. I can't get enough of her. But she felt shy and I had to stop there. But I know that time isn't far away when I will lose all my self control and make her mine. All mine. Day by day I m losing my self control. Especially when I realized I was in love with her. Every night I admired her beauty and found myself hard. All I know how I'm in control. 

A click sound hit my ear and I turned my face from ceiling to door. She entered and my smile goes wide. Our eyes locked. I keenly watched her. She was wearing pink mickey n minnie T-shirt with brown track pants. Her cheeks start turning pink. She broke our contact and rushed to the closet.

Still feeling shy.

I shook my head in disbelief. From the time we return she was ignoring me. Not in bad sense but in good sense.

Cause u r behaving naughty.

So what she is my wife. I have right to become naughty with her. And if I will n't become naughty this time then when will I ? Do u mind ? I ignored my inner voice more and fixed my eyes on the closet door. What's taking her so long ? Should I go ?

I raised myself from bed and slipped to the edge of bed. Suddenly she entered . This time she didn't looked at my side. I smirked. But I can bet she was blushing profoundly. She was walking very slowly toward bed. A sly smile lingered on my lips. She stopped at one side of edge. With fraction of seconds she was on top of me. I heard her gasp. I looked at her face. Shock was all written on her face. I grinned from eye to eye and play with my eyebrows. She comes to the reality and looked here and there. I tighten my hold around her petite waist and she gasped. She wet her lips. My inner beast wake up.

She slowly start struggling under my hold but I tighten my loose hold. She stopped and her adam apple up and down. She becomes pinkish more by cheeks. I smiled and pulled more close. My lips went near to her left ear.

I: Told u na never hide ur this face from me.

I kissed her lobe and pulled back. I see her. Her face was red. My smile widen. She immediately hide herself in my embrace. My chest rumbled with laughter along with her. I tightly wrapped my arms around her frame. I closed my eyes and let enjoy the silence. It was pure, comfortable and full of love. Our hearts beating together. Slowly and deeply. But this comfortable silence was no longer when I heard my name in her melodious voice.

Sanyukta: Randhir?

I just hummed with closed eyes. Further she didn't anything but I felt she was looking at me. I peeked from my eyes and my suspicious was right she was looking at me. She immediately down her head and I opened my both eyes and looked at her. I shook my head in disbelief.

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