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It has been past 2 weeks I m in Ireland and married to him. He joined his work again and I start spending my time in the library or at the pool side or looking out the beautiful view. The view from our room is very beautiful and peaceful. The small green hills and pine trees and no noise like we had in city. We don't have neighbors too. Our home is a bit far from the city. And I start adapting this environment. As I got to know that we have to spend our life together now so it better I start adapting the environment and him and his habits. Even I m trying to directly look into his eyes and not to make compelled or lost myself. But still it is no use. I always failed.

In this past 2 week we very much learnt about each other and we found we have some common things. Like we are foodies. We liked cars whether I liked for freedom where he loved them for style and speed. We both loved swimming. And other than that I got to know about him that he loved to play soccer. His favorite movie is inception. When he told me that I just rolled my eyes and the reason behind is that I watched that movie two times but I didn't get it what the message behind the movie. Leave it.. His favorite color is purple. His birthday on 24th November. And recently he is working on a project where he can helped the old ages during their medication reminder.

We are not friends technically but we behave like them. We go to gym together and he start wearing his gym vest. But I'm I. Whenever he do pull ups and his vest raised a bit. I stared him like a teenage girl. His well toned abs and his V line which disappeared in shorts. Its not like I have dirty mind but he made me to become naughty that time. Sometimes he found me ogling over him and I m flushed and nervously swallowed hard but he never made any cocky or sassy comment. He behaves like a true gentleman. He is sweet, generous, kind, friendly, comfortable, understandable and somewhere I start liking him. We both had breakfast and dinner together. And during lunch he called Mary and asked. I got to know about this recently. When Mary picked the call late and I picked it in the library but I heard Mary's voice and then his. But I didn't told him that I had listened them on that day and from that day whenever phone rings I picked too. 

We start trusting each other. But till now I didn't have the guts to tell him that I want to study further. I don't know how I say? I know that whatever comes in mind I spoke to directly him but this thing I don't know why I didn't say yet?

Randhir: I"ll take the shower first.

He made his statement very clear and I stopped my thought for while. I looked at him and smile and nods. He walked inside the bathroom. It is always happened whenever we came back to gym he always go first. I walked to the window and let the cool breeze hit my face and my sweat body. It made me relax and clam my nerves not think about my body sweat.I seriously stink like skunk but he never complained. I don't know why but it always made me curious that I can't smell myself that time how he do when we walk together. 


After 30 mins I heard his voice and I turned back. He was dressed in lower pants and plain maroon button up shirt. I smiled to him.

Randhir: Go get ready I m waiting at the table.

I snickered.

I: R u going like this ?

I motioned my finger from his head to toe.

Randhir: What's wrong with it ?

He looked confused and spread his arms in air.

I: I think Black pants will suit with ur shirt.

And I walked inside the bathroom with a sly smile on my lips.

I again brushed my teeth and walked into the shower. A warm cascade water relaxed my ached muscles. I stepped out of the shower and wrapped my towel around my frame and around my hair. I directly stepped into the closet. I went to the side of my clothes. I pulled my inners and  I heard his voice. I turned back and froze on my spot.

Randhir: Yes. Mr. Brosnan I will be there. Even I will bring a company.

His back is facing me. He was taking out his black suit. He disconnected his phone and put in his pants pocket. He start wearing his suit and came in front of mirror. I gasped and immediately turned back even my inners touched the ground. I tightly clutched my towel and look down . There was silence a complete silence. Is he gone ? Should I turn back and check ?

Phone rings. He is still there...

Randhir: Umm.. I... I m sorry.

I can hear his quick foot steps.

Randhir: Shit....

He cursed and I immediately turned back. He was holding his forehead and his eyes tightly shut. Did he collided with frame? Again his phone rings and he looked at my side.

Randhir: Sorry...

And he left the closet with quick steps. What just happened ? He saw me naked not practically naked but still he saw me in towel. I know we are getting comfortable but he saw me in towel. That's not I m expecting. How will I face him now or what will I say to him?  If he took it in a wrong way ? I know he is gentleman but he is a man. And most importantly why he was there for so long? 


1) Don't u think now they are equal ? She saw him and now he saw her. 🙈🙈

2) I know its smaller part than others but today I didn't get the time to write for the longer part. I was busy in wedding shopping. 

Ignore grammatical errors and spelling mistake..


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