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Naina: U know your house is awesome.

I smiled to her and she sipped her juice.

I: Thanks.

We are sitting near to the pool side after I shown her whole our home. I listened  and replied to all her talks. But some part of me was lost. I know I should be happy that my best friend is here and I should loved this feeling but nothing is like that. I feel like I have to be somewhere. My mind is only thinking about him that he was angry and frustrated. He left without having his breakfast. I don't know what is this feeling but I felt like I need to see him and I m controlling myself from that.  

Naina: Sanyu... if U don't come back to ur la la land soon. I swear I going to kill u. 

I heard her angry harsh voice and I shook my head. I looked at her she was smiling and smirking. But I heard her angry voice but she is smiling smugly. I rolled my eyes.

I: What ?

She chuckles.

Naina: U know u waste my hard work.

I looked at her confusingly. 

I: Hard work ?

She nodded with pressed lips. 

Naina: U know I brought some romance novels for u but now I think u don't need them. 

She grinned teasingly. 

 Naina: as my jeej is already working on u.  

She winked. What she meant ? I thought. 

Naina: What I meant..

My eyes widen. Did she heard what I said was I so audible?

I: Was I so loud ?

Naina: yes.. now listen what I meant is that whether u r sitting with me and answering me but u r mind is absent. So tell me it is about my jeej ?

She start play with here eyebrows. I gulped. If I tell the truth she will tease me more already she teased so much till now. Her teasing didn't stopped till I accepted that we were kissing. And now if I accept the same she will not stop and  I can't take risk when I m already feeling helpless with this different kind of feeling to see him.

I got up suddenly and she looked confused. 

Naina: where u r going ?

I: I have to go ?

She wickedly smile.

Naina: Where? To see jeej

She sing teasingly and my heart raced. 

I: No.. I have to go college to submit my assignments. 

Naina: What?

I smiled at my win. 


I: Yes. today is the last day so I come back in hour. U make comfortable urself. 

I quicken my pace and entered the hall. Mary is cleaning the foyer.

I: Mary. I m going for a while. I will come back soon if he call tell I m out with Naina.

She raised her eye.

I: Please its urgent.

I looked at her pleading puppy eyes. Naina always say that my pleading puppy eyes work. Hope it work on her too. She smiled widely. Great she accepted. I passed her and step into the elevator. 

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