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Randhir: Is this fine?

A pleasure moaned escaped from my mouth. Don't get me wrong or think dirty. Actually he is massaging my feet. Last night again they swelled. Ma told me that it happened. But this much and especially at the end when false contraction is going on. And if we talk about my tummy then it look so big and fat that I doubt this could ever happen to others.

Randhir: Muffin ?

His concerned voice bring me back to earth. I looked at his side. He looked worried with lines on his forehead. I shook my head with smile. He chuckled in disbelief and I was face palmed. Great. Couldn't be worse than this. My inner head shook her head in negative. I huffed. Fine then. Let me enjoy my massage.

Stop moaning.

Why ?

Should I remind u ur last night.?

My eyes jumped out of its socket.

Ohhh Randhir I want to feel u...

I swallowed my lump. I felt a bit uncomfortable. I looked at him. He is still busy in his work.

Please Dhir......

I licked my lips and a shy smile appeared on my face. A fade remembrance popped in my mind. I was begging him. I don't how my mind went into this direction. He wasn't ready but I need it. So I-

U took the charge.

I bit my tongue. That was-


I agree with my inner voice.

Randhir: Here U r done.

I: Huh??

I come out of remembrance.

Randhir: U again zoned out. Didn't U?

I pursued my lips. He laughed softly. He got up from his seat an come to my side. He put the cushion at my back and kissed my forehead.

Randhir: I m calling oldies.

I nodded. He pulled out his mobile and dialed. It give me time to watch him. It's not like that  it just I m not over of him. Everyday my love for him increased. And this pregnancy helped me to know how good father he will be. They he concern . Every meeting with doctor he was there and only ask about our health. He bear my tantrums and mood swings. He show me the different kind of love for us. Which nobody can show. Or can show but I only know him and I want to know him only. No one else. I for him and he for me. My world.

Suddenly I feel wet in my area. I looked down in the area. My stomach ache. The pain. Oh my god.. Is this my real contraction? Again the pain shoot.

I: Ahhh.. Randhir..

I screamed his name. He snapped at my side. He run to me. My head lies on his shoulder. My eyes got wet.

I: Pain.. Pain

I was panting. He cares my forehead.

Randhir: Shhh... everything will be fine.

He lift me in bridal style and move to elevator.

Randhir: Mary call Robert and bring them back. I m taking her hospital.

She replied something but I m feeling like black out. Every thing look black. What's happening to me. This doesn't happen in pregnancy. Why I feeling like this? I m sweaty. My eyes were dropping down. I heard his fainted voice but couldn't registered. And my eyes closed and the last memory I feel his lips on my forehead.

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