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I stirred in sleep as lights fall on my eyes. I snuggled up into something hard. Arms adjusted me and I smiled. But soon something burst into my mind. I pushed hard and come out of his embrace.

I: Don't touch me. Don't touch me.

I rubbed my arms violently to remove his touch. He grabbed my shoulders but I reluctantly removed his hands.

I: Don't dare to touch me. How could u-

But all my words dies as I heard his voice.


I quickly turned back and my eyes caught his concerned tensed eyes. My vision blurs as my eyes start getting moist. I immediately hugged him and start crying.

Randhir: Hey... Susshhh... I m here. U r safe..

I sobbed but he only consoled me and said sweet nothings. After sometimes I stopped sobbing and tilt my head.

He is here. He is here.

He smile to me and I hide myself again in his chest. He made us laid again.

Randhir: Sshh... sleep....

I close my eyes and again drifted into my slumber under his embrace.


I feel like someone is caressing my forehead. I blinked my eyes to get adjust with lights. I slowly opened and ma's face comes into view. She smiles and fully my eyes got open. She was caressing my forehead but her eyes covered with bags and creases on her forehead. I sit down and we hugged each other. We both shed some tears.

I: Maa when u came up ?

Maa: Early morning.

I found my mom also sitting next to her. I come out of her embrace and hugged mom too.

Mom: how r u ?

I: I m---

My kidnapping images raised in my mind and I tightly hugged her and quietly sobbed.

Mom: Hey... U r safe.

I stopped my sob and looked both of them. Ma wipes my tears and I smiled.

Randhir: Mom dad is calling u.

I turned back and our eyes locked. His eyes looked void and worried. He stepped in with tray.

Mom: Anju let's go.

Our locked eyes broken by Mom's voice. I looked at Maa and Mom. They got up from the bed.

Mom: Have ur breakfast.

They walked outside and he put the tray in front of me. My nose smells butter and I feel like puking. He put his hand on my left cheek. My eyes get closed.

Randhir: How r u ?

More butter aroma filled my nose.

Randhir: Have ur breakfast.

I more feel like puking and it happened. I removed the covers and in fraction of seconds I was in bathroom and puking. God this sickness. What is happening to me.

He hold my hair in his hand and I puked everything. My empty stomach get more empty. My throat get dry and soar. I risen my mouth and looked our reflection in mirror. He looked worried and tensed where I looked pale and white.

I: I m fine.

I said while looking in mirror.

Randhir: I don't think so.

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