Chapter 5

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Friday night and the Black Rock Pub was packed with locals out to enjoy the start of their weekend. The car park and street was lined with Ford and Holden utes with tall UHF Radio aerials mounted on bull-bars and heavy mud guards with the RM Williams logo on.

Inside, Ryan and Mark were met with the sound of sizzling meat and loud conversations.

The two friends pushed their way to a table in the dining area. Ryan breathed in the grill-smoke-filled room with pleasure.

"Thanks for driving, man," said Mark. "Looks like we beat the girls. Fancy a beer to get started?"

"Thanks, but I'll just have a ginger ale."

Mark strode up to the bar. It was new and gave the impression of cheap functionality. It was covered in bar mats advertising Tooheys beer and some craft beers from South Australia. There was no Four X in this establishment.

Ryan watched his friend chat casually with a woman wearing a slim white dress while ordering the drinks. Ryan wished he had Mark's confidence with girls.

Ryan spotted Jen craning her neck, looking for the boys. Her brunette hair was up and she looked like she had come straight from school. Ryan stood and waved to get Jen's attention, then sat down self-consciously.

Jen slipped through the crowd easily, with her sister in tow. Ryan couldn't help but stare at Bec. Her jeans showed the curve of her hips and her blonde hair was loose and hung down around her neck line.

Jen had a broad smile on her face when she reached the table. She pulled her sister by the hand. "Hi Ryan!" Jen chirped, "Glad you could make it out. This my sister, Rebecca."

Standing up, Ryan reached across to shake Bec's hand. He was struck by her gentle smile and her deep coffee-coloured eyes. She's beautiful.

Realizing he was staring again, Ryan forced himself to move around the table and pull out a chair for each of the ladies.

"Well, I wasn't expecting silver service!" said Bec with a light laugh that put a smile on Ryan's face.

"All part of the Brooksdale experience," replied Ryan as he took his seat again and did his best to keep his gaze at eye-level.

Jen said, "Brooksdale's very own Ryan Anderson here is the best English Lit Teacher in New South Wales."

Bec leaned forward slightly, "Is that so? I always enjoyed English Literature at school. I think it's so important to learn how to express ideas clearly."

It was refreshing to hear someone else state enthusiasm for English. Normally people said something like, "Oh? That must be interesting," and changed the topic.

Ryan asked, "What do you do, Rebecca?"

Jen spoke for Bec, "She's in the market..."

"Photography," said Bec. "I've just moved from Brisbane where I did some work in marketing, but my heart is in photography."

Bec and Jen looked at each other and laughed. It was music to Ryan's ears. Mark returned to the table with four drinks. He had seen Jenny and Rebecca come in and Ryan's gentlemanly introduction.

"A house white for Jen, and I figured since you were sisters, you'd like your individuality, so a house red for..."


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