Chapter 22

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            "Well I'm ready," Bec said as she sat at the table. Jen was in the kitchen noisily chopping vegetables - preparing a meal for one.

It was Thursday evening and the clock showed five-fifty-five. Ryan was due to pick Bec up at six. She looked longingly at her backpack on the floor next to the sofa. An unopened bottle of tequila sat in the bag. Bec rung her hands, then said, "I think I'll have another coffee. You want one?"

"No, and don't drink so much coffee. You'll spend half the night peeing."

As Bec was making yet another coffee, Ryan ran out to Brooksdale High's car park. He ripped open the door of his Ford and gunned the engine, speeding off down the road.

"Damn that Brooks!" Ryan shouted, as he thumped the steering wheel several times.

Ryan had just gotten out of a meeting with Janice about the incident with Tyler on Tuesday. Adam still insisted that he had tripped and Tyler had merely offered his assistance. To make matters worse, Tyler claimed that Ryan had assaulted him outside the lunch hall.

Tyler's father had submitted a formal complaint and the school was obliged to investigate. At least Janice had managed to dissuade Brooks from pursuing legal action. Now Ryan had a week of leave-with-pay while the investigation took its course. Ryan tried to look at the bright side. I'll have the week to put the finishing touches on the billy-carts.

Ryan flew down Chalky's Hill. He hit Black Rock River Bridge and the old Ford's suspension bounced and rocked.

"C'mon! Gi'me green," Ryan pleaded as he looked at the lights ahead. They changed to orange, then red just as he reached the intersection. For an instant Ryan thought of cutting around the corner, but his foot slipped across to the brake and the truck came to an embarrassingly screeching halt.

A family of four, a Mum, Dad, and two little kids, rugged up against the cold, stepped out from the shadows and crossed the road. Ryan exhaled loudly. He could well have hit that family. I need to calm down. Get my head in the game. He breathed deeply, like Tony had taught him to do. The light turned green and Ryan turned right on to Main Street. He kept to the speed limit and thought about Bec's warm smile.

He knew he was going to be late, but he hoped she would forgive him.

"How about a glass of wine?" Bec asked Jen.

"Alcohol before a date leads to bad decisions," replied Jen.

The apartment was filled with the smell of stir-fry. Jen turned off the gas and slid her meal from the pan to her plate.

Bec looked at the clock. Six-fifteen. "He hasn't sent you a message?"

"Nope, nothing." Jen sat down at the table. "Look. Ryan's a good guy. He wouldn't stand you up. Something's happened. Maybe a parent came in and he's been tied up."

There was a knock at the door. "Hello?" It was Ryan. Bec looked at Jen and put her finger to her mouth. She didn't want Ryan thinking she had been waiting at the door for him.

Ryan knocked again and called out, "Hi, sorry I'm so late."

"Coming!" Bec replied. She flashed a grin at Jen, then swung the door open. Ryan stepped into the apartment. He was wearing a pair of slim-fitting blue jeans that pulled tight around his thighs and calves. His wool coat was dark-brown and gently covered the triangle of his shoulders to his waist.

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