Chapter 36

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Bec sat in an old interview room in Brooksdale Police Station. The room was sterile with a brown desk and four office chairs - two on each side. A water cooler and paper cup dispenser stood in the corner of the room. The door opened and the horizontal blinds clattered with the disturbance of air. Bec felt like she was in a cop drama, except she was the victim. Jerry walked in with another officer and both took a chair across from Bec.

Jerry started, "This is Sharon Burgess. She works with victims of domestic violence."

Sharon leaned across and shook Bec's hand. "Call me Sharon."

Swallowing back her anxiety, Bec shook Sharon's hand. Her grip was firm. Bec tried to relieve some of her nerves by making chit-chat. "Brooksdale seems like such a happy town. I didn't know it needed a domestic violence specialist, haha."

Sharon, obviously used to such nervous and incompetent conversation, gave a warm smile and answered, "Domestic violence is not just about arresting a husband after he hits his wife. Women, as well as men, are perpetrators of domestic violence. I also do a lot of preventative education and community awareness."

Bec felt a little embarrassed at her lack of knowledge of how the system worked. "I didn't know that even existed. But, I wouldn't really call myself a victim of domestic violence. I just want Phil to leave me alone so I can get on with my life."

"That's understandable. From what Jerry told me of your story, you've had a tough time. I want to talk about Philip Mansfield, your former partner."

Shifting in her chair, Bec looked from Jerry to Sharon. She really wanted all this to be resolved with as little fuss as possible.

Sharon continued, "We've checked with the airline. Philip Mansfield boarded a plane for Brisbane yesterday afternoon."

Bec breathed a sigh of relief, but there was more.

"We checked his police history. Philip Mansfield was arrested three years ago for assault of his then girlfriend. The charges were later dropped."

Bec could hardly believe what she was hearing. She hadn't known anything about Phil's past. He had seemed so sweet and kind when they first met.

Sharon said, "Rebecca, we have enough to charge Philip Mansfield for assaulting you at the Flat Rock Café. Bradley Westerfield, the barista at the café at the time, remembered what happened and Jerry took his statement.

"I recommend that we proceed with this. If Philip comes back to Brooksdale, or New South Wales for that matter, we'll be able to arrest him and bring him to trial. We can also get a restraining order issued."

This all seemed too much. Did Phil really deserve all this? Bec said, "I don't know. It seems like a lot of hassle to put everyone through. Besides, Phil was just upset about the break-up. He'll be fine given more time. And there's his business and all the people he employs..."

Sharon nodded patiently as Bec rattled of a bunch of reasons why she didn't want to proceed. In the end, Bec was glad she had the chance to sound off. Once out in the open, each of her reasons seemed petty.

Sharon said, "Rebecca. It is normal for people in abusive relationships to feel guilt or shame. But this is not a hassle to me, or anyone else. It is important that you have your independence and live in safety. No one has the right to take that away from you."

Bec knew Sharon was right. She said, "Okay, show me what I have to do."

An hour later, Bec left the station with a restraining order against Phil and shaky hands. Despite the tension, Bec felt in control again. It was three-o'clock in the afternoon. Bec knew she had to keep herself busy otherwise the itch would return. Jen would be in the middle of class and Bec didn't want to tell Ryan before she told Jen. Jen was family, and family was first. Instead, Bec went to the photo studio. Although her boss had given her the day off, she had to edit a shoot she did last week. Also, Adam came in on Tuesday afternoons. He had seemed a bit down lately and helping the young man learn about photography would take her mind off her own issues.

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