Chapter 23

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Ryan stepped out of the shower. It was five o'clock in the evening on Saturday and the December sun threw its last rays up against the sky in defiance of the coming night. As Ryan dried himself, he looked about with pride at his handy work. The bathroom was finally finished. Sadly, Tammy had never appreciated his skill with tools and often complained about how much time he spent building things. Bec, on the other hand, seemed interested whenever he talked about a renovation project. He sincerely hoped that she would enjoy the tour tonight. He was taking her on a drive and a walk of a historic section of town and there were sure to be lots of photo opportunities.

He thought back to their last date and began humming a tune his father used to sing and got back to his renovations. With the bathroom finished, the only job left was the master bedroom and en-suite.

Bec glanced about the flat. She had the bottle of tequila in one hand and her backpack in the other. She heard the toilet flush and stuffed the bottle back into her backpack. God! I'll be 28 next week. I can do this without a drink.

Jen came out of the bathroom and said, "It's nearly five-thirty. You should get ready to go. I can't see Ryan being late twice in a row."

Bec put her wool coat on. She didn't want Ryan to think she had only one set of winter clothes.

Bec looked at her sister and said, "What am I doing, Jen? I don't even know if I'm ready for another relationship and I'm going out with type of guy you marry and settle down with."

"You had a good time Thursday, right? So, go out and see how it goes. Ryan's a good guy. If you were going out with Mark Strathfield, then I'd be worried, but it's Ryan."

Bec pulled her backpack to her chest and held it protectively with both hands. "What if I hurt him? I'm hardly the model of stability right now."

Jen reached out and took one of Bec's hands. "Ryan is an adult, he'll be fine. Just, go and have fun."

Interrupting their conversation, was a knock at the door. It was Ryan. "Good evening ladies."

He was dressed in a simple cheque shirt, and a heavy wool coat. Every bit the educated woodsman. He extended his hand and Bec took it. As she walked out the door, Bec looked back at Jen who mimed clapping her hands. Bec felt like she was a teenager again.

Ryan and Bec drove North on Main Street. Ryan was using a new aftershave and he worried he had used to much since Bec hadn't said very much, but when she took his hand, he relaxed.

Some snow began to flutter in the sky in front of the car. Bec said, "I thought is didn't snow in Broksdale."

Looking at her with a sideways glance, Ryan replied, "It snowed in 1986. This stuff doesn't count. It will melt as soon as it touches the ground." He gave her hand a gentle squeeze.

"What surprises do you have for me tonight, Mr. Anderson?"

"A town tour."

"I didn't know Brooksdale was big enough."

"Ha! You'll learn yet," replied Ryan.

The oncoming traffic lights glinted in Bec's eyes, giving her a playful look. The traffic slowed and came to a halt near the intersection with Black Rock Road. Red flashing lights illuminated the scene ahead.

Ryan said, "Looks like an accident. Hope no one is hurt."

The traffic crawled forward. A police car was parked at the intersection and Ryan spotted Jerry with his notebook out, writing down the details of two cars; a new-looking Mercedes SUV and a black Sonata.

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