Chapter 3

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Monday, four-thirty and time for the teachers at Brooksdale High to go home. The sun was still shining but low in the sky as Ryan walked with Mark out of the concrete school building and to the car park.

"Hey, there's Jen," said Mark. They walked over as Jen waved.

Ryan returned the wave and said, "We didn't see you this morning."

"My sister arrived late last night and we had a bit too much wine."

Mark slapped Ryan on the back, "Tell us more about this sister of yours. Is she single? Stud here is ready to get back on the horse, so to speak." Mark chuckled and Ryan felt a sharp pang of embarrassment. He could always count on his good friend to humiliate him.

"Oh really?" said Jen with a sparkle of mischief in her eye, "I thought you looked a lot fitter as you walked across to see me. You been working out?"

Ryan plunged his hands into his pockets, "Yeah, Jerry got me into Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu over the summer. Its good fun."

Jen replied, "Well you look a hundred percent better than you did this time last year. I'm glad you've moved on from Tammy." Jen became serious and added, "But I'm not sure my sister is ready for dating. She just left her boyfriend."

Ryan nodded with understanding and Mark nudged him on the shoulder, "Don't worry my friend. This weekend we're heading out for drinks and you can be my wingman."

Jen looked from Ryan to Mark and said, "Ryan be your wingman? What happened to Katrina?"

Turning his palms upwards and shrugging his shoulders like a kid making an excuse for not doing his homework, Mark said, "It didn't really work out. You know how it goes."

Shaking her head, Jen returned her gaze to Ryan, "Well Ryan, I'm still up for our Friday night drinks, then afterwards you can be Mark's wingman. See you guys tomorrow." Jen unlocked her car and opened the driver's door.

Mark added, "Hey, we're singles here, we can have some drinks tonight. Invite your sister."

Jen rolled her eyes, "I don't think Bec will be up for drinks tonight, not after last night. See you tomorrow!" And with that she got in and drove away.

"Hey man, keep Friday night clear okay? We're going out and if Jen's sister is as hot as Jen, it'll be a fun night," said Mark.

Ryan assured Mark that he would do so, then got in his own car, an old Ford F-150, and headed for the gym.

Telling people he did Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu felt a little embarrassing; Ryan was still self-conscious about the whole thing. Truth be known though, BJJ brought him out of a depression that lasted some months after Tammy left unceremoniously.

Ryan pulled into the gym. Jerry's ute was there already. Ryan pretty much knew all the vehicles, but being a local made it easy.

Inside the gym, Ryan breathed in the scents of sweat and hard work. He remembered when this gym was an old, run-down boxing gym. It had nearly closed down when Tony took it over. Luckily for Tony, and Brooksdale, Maria had come along with her business acumen and helped transform the place into a thriving health and fitness centre.

Ryan changed into his gi and put on his white belt. Tony, the head instructor, had booked a grading for blue belts in July. In preparation, Ryan had been getting to the gym early so he could roll with his friend and brown-belt, Jerry, before class stated at five.

Out of the change rooms, Ryan walked through the double doors to the training area. As he stepped onto the mat, Tony came up to him and said, "You let a rat in."

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