Chapter 26

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            Ryan waved from his veranda as the last of his visitors drove off. All except one. He closed the front door and walked through to the kitchen where Bec sat nursing a coffee. Word of his 'arrest' had spread quickly. Mark was the first to arrive at the police station. Tony and Paul soon followed, then the students came: Sally, Adam, Arkell, and Angela.

Ryan hadn't actually been arrested. Jerry just took Ryan to the station to calm the situation. Janice had already informed the police of Tyler's accusation and Jerry called her to check on a few things. All said and done, all the witnesses reported Tyler had threatened Ryan. On Monday, Ryan would be back in front of a classroom of teenagers.

"I could do with a coffee," said Ryan. "I'm still in shock that Sally lost to Tyler." He grinned.

Bec shook her head. "I don't know how you can joke. Michael Brooks is really out to get you." Bec was incredulous. How could Michael Brooks be so blind to his son's behaviour? Maybe every parent has that blind spot. Some more than others.

Lost in thought, she ran her fingers over the wooden discs of her necklace. They were smooth and soothing to the touch. She looked about the kitchen and dining area of Ryan's home. She marvelled at the quality of Ryan's renovations. The kitchen was stunning, yet reserved. Much like the man who built it.

Ryan put the water on to boil. He brushed passed Bec as he collected her cup. she caught the scent of aftershave. Ryan bent down and pulled out a bag of coffee beans. Bec couldn't help but take in his form.

"These are from the Flat Rock Café. They have a great selection of beans there." He opened a draw and pulled out his coffee mill. "A medium-fine grind should be about right." Bec stood close to Ryan as he measured the beans on a small digital scale. She went into the kitchen and stood beside him, enjoying the closeness. Ryan said, "Here. I'll show you what to do." Ryan talked through his process and assured her that she would 'get it' in no time.

He rolled up his sleeves as he tipped the beans into the hopper of his hand-mill. He started to grind the beans and Bec looked longingly at the muscles in his forearms. The aromatic small of the coffee reassured and excited her.

After a minute or so, Ryan stopped rotating the handle. He took out a coffee filter and said, "It's a good idea to wash the coffee filter. Gets rid of any paper taste and it sticks to the cone better." Ryan deftly washed the paper filter in sure movements. Next, he emptied the freshly ground coffee into the filter. The scent of the coffee was glorious. A wooden stand sat next to the sink. Ryan set the pour-over cone in the stand and a glass server underneath.

"Aren't you angry about the whole thing?" Bec asked. "I mean, the whole town thinks you hit a kid."

Ryan took the kettle off the boil. "I was at first, but when no one backed up Tyler's story, I knew there was nothing to worry about." Ryan put a small divet in the ground coffee, then poured some water in. He stopped after only a second or two. "Now we wait for half a minute. Here, you pour."

Bec took the kettle and said, "You sure? I don't want to ruin the system you've got going on here."

"Haha, you don't ruin my 'system.' You improve it." Ryan kissed her on the forehead. "I'm a little disappointed in Adam, though. I can't understand why he call Tyler out."

Bec still held the kettle in one hand. "Maybe Tyler has something on him. Something embarrassing. Teenagers are pretty sensitive to that sort of thing."

"Yeah, I wish I knew what it was, then I could help." Ryan rubbed his jaw line with his thumb. "Now, pour slowly and in concentric circles. Don't let the water hit the paper filter. Go slow."

Bec followed Ryan's instructions. He stood behind her and guided her hand as she poured. He was gentle, yet firm.

When the last of the water dripped out of the spout, Bec turned and embraced Ryan. "I've never kissed a jail-bird before."

He kissed her, gently at first, then passionately took her lips. "Now you have."

Bec felt heat flush through her and Ryan's hands slid under her clothes and up her soft stomach. But Bec found herself breaking away from the kiss and putting both of her hands against Ryan's chest. What was wrong with her? She wanted this, didn't she? She was drawn to Ryan, but something had seized her on the brink and pulled her back.

"I'm sorry," Bec blurted out.

Ryan brushed her cheek with the back of his fingers and replied, "It's okay. If you're not ready for more, it's okay."

Bec looked down at her feet and Ryan side-stepped her. He filled two cups with coffee and added a dash of cream. "No need for sugar," he said. "This coffee will taste great all on its own." He smiled and went to the table on the other side of the kitchen counter.

That simple movement gave Bec space to breathe. And to think. Then, she joined Ryan at the table.

She sipped the coffee. It was full, rich, and textured. "You make a great coffee, Ryan."

There was a twinkle in Ryan's eyes. Gallahs cackled in the distance and Ryan laughed. "I guess they know something we don't." The awkwardness past.

Then Ryan surprised Bec. He said, "We should talk about sex. What our expectations are. I get that it's not easy after a tough relationship. I'm feeling a little vulnerable myself, if I'm totally honest."

Bec looked out the tall windows at the fading light. She sighed, "I don't know. I wasn't expecting to get cold feet, but, I don't know. Just give me some time."

Leaning across the table, Ryan took Bec's hand and said, "Time I can give."

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