Chapter 37

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"And so, we'll have much better tracking of students' reading abilities – and the strategies that work – for students as they move from Year 7 to 8 and so on." There was polite applause from the teachers and Ryan sat down.

Janice stood in front of the room full of teachers. "Thank you Ryan. I'm looking forward to seeing what your team comes up with."

Ryan didn't hear what she said next. He looked across the room at Jen. He desperately wanted to ask her what happened yesterday at the Police Station with Bec. All he had heard from Bec was a text message that she was okay and she'd tell him more when she saw him next – after work today.

Mark, who was sitting next to Ryan elbowed him in the ribs. Mark must of noticed Ryan was zoned out.

Janice was speaking, "The last item on today's agenda is positions for next year." The room fell silent, "We have some teachers moving on. The head of the English and Mathematics Departments are both moving down to Newcastle – congratulations. That means those jobs are vacant. Please check the Department of Education's website for application details."

A murmur of hushed conversations erupted. Mark nudged Ryan and leaned close, saying, "Imagine us as Head of Departments!"

"Stranger things have happened before," quipped Ryan.

Janice closed the meeting and the noise level increased as teachers streamed out of the room.

Mark and Ryan were moved along by the flow of bodies. Mark said, "Damn! I forgot to bring the down Ultimate Fighting Championship One DVD for you."

"I'm not in a hurry, we can go get it now."

"You're not in a hurry, but I am. I'm meeting up with Angela."

"Angela? Bryce Tremblay's ex?"

"Bryce is cool with it. Those two are definitely over and Angela is hot. Anyway, the DVD is right on top of my desk. I sat it on a textbook or something. Just go up to the Math staffroom and grab it." Mark rushed out towards the car park. Ryan shook his head in wonder. It seemed like Mark dated someone new every month or so. Surely Brooksdale didn't have that many eligible women.

Ryan walked up to the Mathematics Department staffroom. The school was nearly deserted, except for the cleaning staff. As he walked, Ryan could hear the rustle of plastic garbage bags and the high-pitched whirs of vacuum cleaners.

He approached the staffroom and tried the handle. It clicked open. As he pushed through the doorway, a sound of rustling papers and something crashing on the ground startled him.

"Oh! Adam. You gave me a fright!"

Adam Lee stood next to Mark's desk with a folder of papers in one hand. The desk was messy – not Mark's style. Ryan's gaze went from Adam to the desk, to the papers in his hand, then back to Adam.

"Adam. I think you had better explain to me what's going on here."

"I... Ahh... Mr Strathfield told me to pick up an assignment that I missed yesterday."

Ryan folded his arms across his chest and said, "You were here yesterday. Show me those papers."

Adam stood stock still as if he had been caught in the headlights of a truck. Ryan repeated the command and Adam stepped forward unwillingly, handing the papers to Ryan.

"I think we need to go and see the Principal. Don't you?"

Adam walked out of the room with his head hung shamefully. As he passed Ryan, Adam asked, "Will you tell my parents?"

"That is likely, very likely." Ryan quickly went over to Mark's desk, found the UFC 1 DVD, and slipped it into his coat pocket. He pulled the door closed and escorted Adam to the Principal's office.

"Are you going to call my parents?" Adam asked Janice.

She replied, "Yes. You were caught stealing test papers. That is a major incident."

Adam kept his eyes rooted on the floor. Ryan sat beside him still feeling a sense of disbelief. Adam Lee. Star student - a cheat?

Janice added, "Then there is the cheating. We'll have to award you an 'N' in Mr. Strathfield's class."

Adam's head jerked up. "I didn't really cheat, though. I didn't take the answers. I just..."

"You just what, Adam?"

Ryan was discovering a new side to Janice. She was being direct, but caring with Adam. She must suspect there is more to the story.

"I..." Adam's gaze returned to the floor. "I can't tell you if you tell my parents."

"Adam," replied Janice. "I can't promise that. If there is a legal issue, I am bound by law to report it."

Adam looked to Ryan. The trouble with teenagers was that sometimes the problem was easily fixed, other times it was life-altering. Ryan reflected on that thought a moment. In one's teen years, everything was life altering.

Ryan said in a calm voice, "Whatever the problem, it is affecting you in a very negative way. You aren't dealing well with this on your own. You need to tell someone. Is it Sally? She told me you two broke up."

A sob burst forth from Adam and tears formed in his eyes. His face grew red. He was struggling with a decision. Ryan and Janice both waited. There was no need to fill the silence with chatter.

Adam rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand and sniffed. He looked around the room, then at Janice. He said, "I'm gay."

Janice nodded and she said, "Adam, I can see that was very difficult for you to say. Neither myself nor Mr. Anderson are obliged to inform your parents of your sexuality. That is up to you, but we are both here to help you if you need it. There is something more, isn't there?"

Adam seemed to find his composure. "Yes. Tyler, Bayden, and Foster found out. They said they'd tell everyone if I didn't do some favours for them." Ryan leaned back in his chair and thumped his thigh with his fist. He couldn't believe how callous those three could be.

Janice leaned forward and folded her hands together. "Adam. That is a serious accusation. I'll need to investigate it. Do you have anything that proves this?"

Adam flushed a deep red and started crying again. "I was so stupid. So, so, so stupid." He sobbed and Ryan pulled a tissue and gave it to Adam.

"I got an e-mail from Foster saying he thought he was gay and he found me attractive. I was curious, you know? Someone else was like me. So, I thought, like, here was a way to find out if I'm really, you know, like that. Then Tyler got involved and the threats started. Oh God! I'm so stupid!"

Adam's shoulders shuddered with his crying. Ryan said, "Do you still have the e-mails?"

Adam looked at Ryan and nodded. "There are some messages on my phone, too."

Janice took over, "Adam. I need to call your parents and have them come in. This may also be a case of cyber-bullying, so the Police could get involved." Adam simply nodded. The strain of the past months must have been incredible. 

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