Chapter 42

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            Bec dropped her backpack on the floor next to the sofa. "It feels so good to be back."

Jen turned on the kitchen light and put the kettle on. "Coffee?"

"Forget coffee. Give me a wine."

Jen raised an eyebrow. "Good news then?"

Bec could barely contain her excitement. She had done her best to make small talk and catch up on local events in the car. She could tell Jen wanted to know how Melbourne was, but she kept it back. Until now.

Like a tomato about to split after heavy rains, Bec blurted, "I got a new gig!"

Suspended in the middle of pouring the wine, Jen might as well have been caught in a spider's web. "What does that mean exactly?"

Bec squealed when she spoke, "I got a job offer! Artist in residence at a prep school."

It was Jen's turn to squeal. She rushed forward and embraced Bec. They jump-hugged and clasped each other's arms at the elbow. "That's wonderful news."

Breaking away, Jen rushed to the kitchen and finished pouring the wine. "Cheers to opportunities!" The sisters clinked glasses and drank deeply. Jen said, "Sit down and tell me everything."

"Only if you bring that bottle over here," laughed Bec.

Sitting on the sofa, Bec told Jen about Margery, Olivier, and the flighty artist in residence.

"So, what are you going to do? Are you seriously going to take it?" Jen asked.

There was a hint of trepidation in Jen's voice. Bec noticed it and realized this decision would affect Jen's life, too. They had become best friends over the last few months and that wasn't something to simply throw to the wind.

Bec said, "I really want to take it. The schedule is light, so I'd still have time for my own art. And the school covers accommodation. The pay is much better than here, and it's a chance to learn more skills and take my art to the next level."

Nodding gently, Jen let Bec continue.

"I really love it here in Brooksdale, too." Bec turned and looked Jen fully in the face. She grasped Jen's hand. "We've never been closer, you and me. My job is fine, and then there's Ryan."

"He is a great guy."

Bec exhaled and looked at the TV, which was turned off and simply showed the reflection of sisters sitting on a sofa. "He could come with me. There are a lot of good schools in Melbourne. I'm sure he'd find something."

The sisters sat quietly for a moment. Finally, Jen spoke, "You have to decide what you want. But, just so you know, I'm always your sister, and Ryan will have to make his own choices."

Bec leaned across and hugged Jen. 

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