Chapter 9

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Lily Clairmount:

Helena had begun to cry as soon as she'd seen Damon, running into his legs. 

"Daddy! There was blood everywhere!"

Damon looked at me and I gave a heavy sigh, "Nathaniel was covered in it when we first met him."

He just looked at my face for a minute before picking Helena up and smiling at her as he stroked her head. 

"Would you like to meet the boy? There's no more blood."

She shook her head into his chest and i begun to fiddle with a few strands of my hair as a frown begun to form on my face. I was really hoping this wouldn't effect her as much as this. The only way for this trauma to be put behind is for her to talk to Nathaniel. 

"I'll go talk to Nathaniel. We'll be down for dinner. You bring Helena with you first since she seems to be uncomfortable with the prospect right now."

Damon gave a simple nod before carrying her towards the stairs. He still gave me a kiss on the cheek as he passed me by. 
It had been sort of bothering me for a while now but wasn't he giving me too many kisses? Yes, I'd just given him a hug but that was a hug not a kiss. 

I shrugged it off and headed back into my bedroom. Nathaniel was standing near the balcony. It seemed he had wanted to walk out the doors but either didn't want to or was afraid of doing so. 

"You can step out onto the terrace if you want; the view is beautiful."

His tiny body turned towards me, flashing intelligent and wizened eyes that were set in a child's face. I flinched a bit by the knowledge. 

"Am I that disgusting?"

My mouth opened slightly at the question before I got slightly angry. 

"Nathaniel! That's not why I flinched.. it just pains me to see you like this."

"What way?"

I stepped closer to him before kneeling down to his level, my hair spilling over my left shoulder and leaving my right completely visible. His eyes focused on my stars and reached out towards them. I'd been about to respond to him but I guess it was better if he were distracted. 

When I had thought he was no longer paying attention to our conversation, as children were prone to do, he'd squeezed my shoulder and pulled me towards him. It surprised me having an 8 year old so close to my eyes. 

"You didn't answer. That's not nice."

"Answer what?"

"I asked what way," he whispered as he stared back at me.

I blinked a few times, gave him a smile and gently removed his hand from my shoulder before caressing the smaller hand with my own. 

"Your eyes hold the horrors of what you've lived through," I told him gently before standing back up with his hand still in my own, "Let's try to manage your hair and then go down for some food with the others."

Nathaniel kept staring at me with those eyes that seemed to see everything before inclining his head in acceptance. 

My mind had wandered back to this morning when Helena had first seen Nathaniel. Had I changed my daughter's fate? She'd not been this way in the game.. did having me live through birth cause the biggest butterfly effect? Time would tell. 

Right now, I needed to figure out how to manage Nathaniel's hair without causing him more harm. o,o

A/N: Do you guys mind these types of short chapters? It's just that if I don't break things down like this it'll look like I'm jumping large time gaps and that's just not nice. :P Well, hope you guys enjoyed this bit. I've been having the worst time sleeping. Only got about 3 hours thus far. Meh. 

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