Chapter 61

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After I left the Information Center, I immediately used one of the water sources to send a quick message to Damon

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After I left the Information Center, I immediately used one of the water sources to send a quick message to Damon. It would take to long to walk back to his quarters and let him know what I've found.

Afterwards I made my way towards the 'In House' Hall where a majority worked at Head Quarters. When I stepped inside it threw me off for a second; when was the last time I stepped inside here?

Something smelt off. My demonic energy was lashing out as if there was something really wrong going on. No one seemed to notice me as I passed by them on my way towards where Cassandra's office was. The closer I got, the more violent my reaction.

If I had a mirror I knew my eyes would have changed to black and red. My claws sharpened and everything zeroed down to that door. Without pause, I kicked the door in and held a large black demonic flame within my hands. On the other side was Cassandra.. or what was left. Someone had been here but did something to hold the smell inside.

Once the door had blasted open, the old smell of rot and decay seeped into the rest of the Hall; drawing the attention of everyone busy at work. A crowd begun to surround the outside of the door.

Once I got myself back under control, or as best as I could while fighting off the feeling of flight or fight, I turned to the rest and spoke.

"Someone get ahold of Master Nightmare and make him aware of the events that have taken place here. We will send out people to search the grounds and apprehend the culprit," I paused when no one went back to work, "Off you go, unless you want to add some more color to Cassandra's office."

After I growled the last part the rest of them scurried off. I begun to look through the room for the reason why my instincts were on edge and noticed the paper on the desk in front of the head. Something with extreme strength simply wripped her head off with the spinal cord still attached; wrapped similarly to a cat's tail around the outer limit of the desk.

I walked up to it and picked the blood stained page up.

We have returned. Know that your species will die. Soon, this planet shall be purged of your kind; once and for all, Demon Scum.

May Amethyst Shine On You. 

That was all that was written on this bit of paper covered in Cassandra's blood. I looked back at the head staring back at me. She had died with her eyes open and somehow they remained that way unto death. My finger brushed against the bloodied corner as I contemplated what it could mean. Cassandra wasn't a Demon as far as I knew. . 

Damon walked into the room with Shadows covering him as his anger rose; as well as blocking his face from the 'lower' level workers. Everyone had quickly scattered with his appearance. He made way to where I stood and reached for the paper which I relinquished. His eyes darted across the paper and looked around the room afterwards. 

"Do you have any idea who this is?"

"Not many people believe that Demon's still walk among them. Plus, that last line was strange within itself. If you don't look at the carnage that took place here and the amount of brutality from the process then I would've said it was a Religious Fanatic. I've seen a few cults even who've done blood sacrifices using torture that looked similar to this. My concern is that this person was able to access Head Quarters."


My eyes narrowed after listening to Taki before taking in the scene of the office

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My eyes narrowed after listening to Taki before taking in the scene of the office. I scrunched my nose in disgust at the smell that had been permeating the room. It had grown considerably more dense with each passing day that it was left here to fester. How anyone hadn't looked in to check on the chit was beyond me.

"Do you have any other guesses?"

"Something or someone that is a natural enemy of Demons," Taki answered immediately before continuing, "I've also noticed that a lot of the Jobs that Cassandra would manage have been messed with. Some don't even have Employers but some of our Assassins took the Job before checking. When I went through, the hits all had similarities to one another."

He looked at me and I gave him the universal sign for 'get on with it'.

"All of them had Demon blood," he scowled before looking at the bloodied mess surrounding us. A moue of disgust formed on his lips when he zeroed in on the hanging intestines behind the desk that resembled a macabre version of a beaded curtain. Fecal matter had been mixed with the organs and blood that littered the room.

"So, let me just think this out loud. A few months back we had some strange wave of magic hit the entire world, mythical creatures have been awakened in some areas, and now we have a Demon enemy infiltrating our ranks issuing missions to kill your kind?"

Taki was nodding his head from what I could see out of the corner of my eye. It wasn't as though I was really asking for an answer. It had been more of a rhetorical question, if anything.

"Somehow all of it seems linked together. I'm just not sure how. Well, for now, have someone clean this office," I turned to walk out but paused at the threshold, "Oh, and Taki? Make sure that you track down the one responsible for this. It wouldn't be good to have my ranks thinking Nightmare can't even protect them at Head Quarters."

With that I walked away. Luckily I didn't let loose all of my anger on one of the workers, especially Taki, with how pissed off I was that someone had somehow gotten inside the barriers erected. Not only that but they somehow got inside and utterly decimated one of my best workers, at Head Quarters no less. I was NOT pleased. 

A/N: So what do you guys think? I've not been all together feeling great but hopefully this wasn't awful. My cat of about 14 years just passed away this morning and my little sister found his body; completely traumatizing. It has been a very bad week. The stress has torn my stomach up. Sigh. So if anything seems off in my writing please let me know. Thanks for your patience. 

P.S. My update is early because I may accidentally forget to post it on Sunday with my mood right now.  

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