Some Information

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I'm going to proceed with writing my next Chapter in a few minutes; don't know if I'll complete it fully today though. I just wanted to let everyone know that I'm going to do something rather strange. 

I know in typical stories such as this, the Author will make up creatures like Magical Beasts. Which I will do but my reason for this message is for one simple reason. I will be taking my inspirations from Pokemon. haha. I know that sounds weird and probably wouldn't sound very intimidating but I'm referring the more realistic creepy looking adaptations of them. 

It's a lot easier for me to imagine a creature with an image and Pokemon just so happen to have very good ideas when it comes to Elemental beasts. Honestly, I could've just not put this and you'd probably not realize the similarities but I figured I'd still let everyone know. 

I'm not all encompassing with writing and I'm just letting you know that this Author does have problems with creating creatures. 

Another major problem I have is writing fighting scenes so please accept my condolences on your eyes if what I write isn't as action packed or awesome. I'm really just horrible at writing them. I've tried so many times to write scenes where people fight and it just turns to crap. 

I really hope I'm not disappointing you guys. This is merely something fun for me to write and I hadn't really thought I'd be continuing it. However, when I realized so many people liked the concept I decided to continue for the readers. 

I'll add pictures of the 'Magical Beasts' in the next chapter when the time comes. 

Love, Your Quirky Author.

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