Chapter 44

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It's been a couple months since the odd occurrence happened and during this time it seems as though everyone throughout the Nest and outside have decided to break neck in training. Lily has been rather busy as well. Which reminds me about what happened a month back. 


Lily was meditating in her gardens and allowed Vincent and I to join her. Helena was off somewhere in the house probably making a mess. I've noticed lately that she has begun to get more unruly. Damon looks ready to kill and I'm unsure if Lily has noticed it or not. 

Chao, Lily's Soul Bound, is laying in her lap and absorbing the magic in the air. It had been a big surprise when she'd allowed us to meet the creature. Helena had fainted which had set me off into fits. Vincent had reached out to pet the thing and I merely gave it a cursory glance before asking Lily questions about the thing. 

She hadn't explained much aside from the three head's names as well as the beasts species. I didn't feel like prying. 

We were in the middle of meditating when Damon walked into the room with Helena. He'd set her down before approaching with a smile. It seemed like everything happened to fast to process but suddenly Lily spat up a mouth full of blood and fell to the ground. When I looked around trying to understand what happened, Damon had jerked Helena by the arm fiercely. 

I'm sure he would've ripped her to pieces had she been anyone other than Lily's daughter and the fact that Lily was currently in need of a healer. 

I figured out what had happened when I looked down at the plant in Helena's hands. It was the first time I had thought about actually killing the nuisance. 

"I'll be having a word with you after I take care of your mother!"

Damon flung Helena to the ground before striding towards Lily and picking her up. 

"Nathaniel, Vincent, bring the child out of the Gardens. No one is to enter here hence forth."

I turned my glare on Helena because she had just ruined my time that I got to spend with Lily in her 'sanctuary'. Damon had exited the Garden to fast to keep up with so I grabbed hold of Helena's wrist and begun leading her out of the room. 

It began to become rather irritating to have to listen to her wailing cries of anguish. Clearly it was her own fault that she was in trouble. The consequences for her actions could be severe. She'd been told on numerous occasions to not harm those plants. Now she would reap what she sowed. 

Flashback End

Damon had punished her to her room for two weeks with 'homework'. Helena had to read books about plants and their connection with the 'Gardener'. Or as we know it a Star User with the Nature Element. He'd also verbally attacked her by telling her that she would no longer be coddled and she needed to leave Lily alone for her recovery. 

Helena hadn't been away from her mom for more than a day before so she was in severe hysterics the first couple of days. She'd quieted down though after she realized that the punishment wasn't going to be let up. Good thing Lily seemed to be unconscious though because I'm sure she'd have given in. 

Now back to what I'm currently doing. My birthday had passed last month and since I was officially 12 I would be able to test my Magic and unlock any other Magics I may have. Usually the only Magic that unlocks before the testing is 'Dark' oriented due to severe trauma. There hasn't been a case where a magic appears before the testing and it not being 'Dark'. 

There was also the information that Magic testing provides; such as special skills and books. During testing our magic pulls out magical books from some sort of mystical database. No one is actually completely sure where the books nor the information comes from but it is always suited for each individual. No two are alike. 

Lily had once laughed until tears sprung to her eyes when she had recalled the testing and the fact that books popped out. When I asked her why she was laughing her response had been: It's a total cheat. Which I didn't get but I chuckled anyways because she seemed to find it highly hilarious. 

At the moment I was waiting in line with a few others. Lily was off to the side with Vincent. Helena had stayed at home because she hadn't wanted to stand and wait. No surprise there. 

Damon had needed to go on a mission but Lily was only informed that he had business to take care of. I'm shocked that Lily has never questioned what he did. 

"Nathaniel Clairmount?"

It still shocked me that I had a name. Not only did I have a first name but Lily and Damon had given him a last name as well. 

I walked forward to the Tester and gave an incline of my head towards his genial smile. 

"Place both your hands on this Crystal Anchor and allow your shields to release the energy inside of you."

The Crystal Anchor was a clear crystal in the shape of a cone and protruded from the mossy hardened ground beneath my feet. It seemed to have grown from the center of this world and breached the surface. Intriguing. 

My hands landed on the crystal and I barely lowered my shields before I felt a sucking force from the object. It scared me senseless when the tugging pulled from three different points on my body. Having something yank at my magic and energy was uncomfortable. 

I watched the crystal fill up with mostly black sludge liquid and a few extra dots of colors; predominately black and grey but there was a bit of gold and a vomit green color as well. The Tester hummed thoughtfully before doing some weird hand gestures and then seemed to write something with his finger onto the crystal. 

My hands begun to vibrate or maybe it was the crystal. A bright flash filled the room and pushed me onto my butt. When I could see again there was a small stack of journals. They hummed with power and when I looked at the top journal it had my name written on them. 

The Tester gestured for me to pick up my books and spoke, "This is the first time I've seen a child so young with such a high aptitude for Magic. You're already a 5 Stars User and your Magic is mostly Dark in Nature. You've been through many challenging things in such a short life but the Gods must've blessed you, child. Everything you need to know is inside those Journals."

Testers didn't actually go into detail on your results in case there were Traffickers in the vicinity so I wasn't surprised by the fact that he wasn't any more helpful. I was just glad that I could finally start learning more about my capabilities. Lily waved me over with a bright smile and I couldn't help smile back as I hurried towards her. 

Finally. I can finally begin to catch up to her. 

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