Chapter 52

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It had been a while since I've had a mission of the darker sort. Ever since I'd ranked #1 in the Assassination Guild Charts and my kill count had gone up to ten or more people a day on average, Damon suggested I 'take it easy'. At first, the sudden change in job descriptions had blurred together. After accidentally killing one of  the maids while working within the house Damon suggested I switch from Household duties to being Damon's personal Butler. 

If anyone thought being a butler was degrading, they were sorely mistaken. Taking lives was an adrenaline rush but providing for another and knowing they needed you as an integral part of their daily lives supplies an odd satisfaction. In all the years I've worked in the Household though, I've never come across anyone other than Human. Imagine my surprise when another creature stepped foot inside. 

Vincent had set off signals since the first day I met him but I honestly hadn't figured out what he was until most recently. During that split second of looking over at the boy, his eyes had begun to glow yellow while his pupil turned to slits. In my harried mind my actions weren't properly planned out and instead I'd flung the child onto my shoulders before going in search of Damon. 

After we settled on feeding the young Emoreiken, Damon settled on me being the one to assist. So, here we were, looking through a list of jobs and reading the descriptions of each before going to get his dinner. 

"How about this one," I pointed to one with a 3 Star Symbol next to the name. 

Each job had different numbers and Stars correlating how 'difficult' they were. I wouldn't have an issue with the difficulty so it wasn't about how many stars were needed for the mission but Vincent was reading over each Targets personalities and schedules. 

This one was a robust man with a scarred neck, if the picture was most recent, and a decent glare that he had adopted. In the information it states that he was a part of a group of thieves that took up residence in the forest near Sinister Falls within the Nest North of Luminous Roots. If the analysis had taken into account the other thieves as well as the terrain, I know that this job would be at minimum a 6 Star job which made me wonder who ranked the jobs. Had it changed from Cassandra?

That thought made me frown a bit. She'd been most adept at her job and the thought that she was no longer providing the Assassin Guild with adequate information on the missions given was most upsetting. Whoever had taken over was an absolute dumb ass as far as I could tell. 

 "He seems well rounded by the information given," Vincent nodded thoughtfully as he looked it over. 


The man, Darren Schlope, 3 Star User, had recently joined this group of thieves within the Forest surrounding Sinister Falls. He's been in hiding from the 'Employer'  of the Job and that was why he was currently holed up with thieves. 

As far as personality traits go: An excessive liking for women, illegal Alchemic drugs and Money. It said that the Employer had given out a loan of some sort, money not specified, and the man has run away to avoid paying up. The listing is actually a capture dead or alive job since the Employer wanted his body. 

"Tap on the green button next to his name on the left hand side," Taki spoke up from beside me. 

I listened to what he said and watched as the device in my hands marked down my magic signature before the name turning from red to blue.

"What do the colors mean?"

"Red means that the job hasn't been picked up, blue is pending, and black means success."

"Interesting. Who made these things? I've never seen anything like this before."

Although I had been locked away within those walls for many years, that didn't mean I hadn't seen many strange devices. 

"Our techie made it. He's a genius and for some strange reason would rather stay with all of us killers than with like minded peers," Taki pulled me towards a set of doors attached to the room we were in," This is the destination room, another thing our techie created, and it'll help take us anywhere our job needs. I've no idea how it all works but if we slip that device with the jobs over there, into that crevice, it'll pull out the magic signature for the Job we chose and send us there."

My eyes widened marginally. I wondered how they were able to get the Target's Magic signature and put it into the device. Or even how they were capable of connecting this device with a teleport one. There was so much I wished to learn but sadly it would probably take me years to comprehend a fraction.

"Let's get going. When we arrive stay completely silent until I say so."

I nodded my head before we both stepped into a set of runes engraved on a raised round stage. Taki set the device I'd been holding into a crevice made on the top of a podium looking thing. A bright light and vibrations surrounded the both of us, causing my eyes to shut to preserve my vision. 

When I opened my eyes again, we were both standing near the same man I'd seen in the device; Darren. Taki held me back as I had started forward unaware. When I processed why, my stomach cramped up tightly and had he not been holding me I may have buckled at the strange feeling. 

Thankfully it was only Darren and a woman in the room we were standing in. Unfortunately, they were doing some strange thing where their bodies connected and both made strange animalistic noises. When I looked over at Taki his mouth had formed into a sneer of disgust before glancing down at me. He raised one finger and then disappeared from my side. 

The next few minutes were rather strange and seemed to have sped up or slowed down whichever way you looked at it. One minute the woman was making strange noises the next there was a sound of a blade being released and blood spraying against the headboard of the bed. 

When the blood sprayed onto Darren, he opened his closed eyes and stopped moving before a shudder wracked through his body. Taki didn't give him time to move nor talk before gripping him by the neck and motioning me over. 

The closer I got, the more my stomach clenched. Darren Schlope had red and black tentacles leaving the pores of his body. I leaned forward and bit into one which caused the man to flinch at the sound of teeth snapping near him. 

It was unimaginable. There was no way to describe how it tasted and in my greedy pursuit for more I stood tall before inhaling. Deep Teal, closer to black, Magic left my mouth before surrounding the man and ripping the tentacles from his body. In mere moments Darren had gone from a mass of tentacles to completely bald. From the look in his eyes and the foam at his mouth, I'd say he wouldn't live long. 

I began to chuckle as I smacked my lips, "Thank you for this meal."

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