A/N: I've never thought of this before but I realized it today: I'm doing something I usually dislike being done when I read books. So, I hope no one is getting frustrated with me switching POV's so often. Honestly it usually bugs me when an Author switches views so much but I'm hoping it isn't extremely excessive to the point of giving me glares. (^.^) Hehe.
What is this nonsense? Utterly shameful! A manager, I've forgotten the chit's name, of one of my Auction Houses is currently wailing in front of me. Thankfully we're not in public, otherwise I'd have to take drastic measures in silencing the woman.
"I don't kn-know what HAPPENED," she wailed the last word and I attempted not to cringe as her voice left my ears metaphorically bleeding.
I glared at her when she gave me her undivided attention. Her hiccups and small whimpers were grating on my nerves.
"So," I pinched the bridge of my nose to try and staunch my growing migraine, "Your branch has been shut down? How is that even possible, Ms...?"
"Ments," she mumbled and I had the distinct feeling she has possibly told me this more than once.
"Ms. Ments, let me reiterate my previous question. How on Meridia did your branch get shut down? It is completely impossible for anyone aside from myself from retracting any business that goes through that building."
"There was th-this man who came b-b-b-by with official d-do-documents," she handed me the paperwork that she'd been twisting in her hands.
On inspection, the first thing I noticed were the wrinkles and tear stains. What is wrong with this woman? It wasn't even her business. I should be the one crying here.
Next, I zeroed in on the official seal from the Luminous Family. Which meant that this paperwork was approved by the 12 Star Family that oversaw Luminous Roots and all the Nests within. Considering the fact that my Auction Houses don't reside outside of this land, they have full governing of all my holdings. Any business ventures that are split with one or more Lands would have more than one governing body on them. In essence that meant that one would have difficulty in shutting down the business without the other Land's stamp of approval as well.
Sadly, I hadn't gotten around to branching further than Luminous Roots just yet. By the looks of this paperwork it would seem that the owner of Fushigina Auction House had gone through the trouble of seeking the 12 Star Family's Patriarch and asking for approval. Approval to close down my Auction House that is close to the one they recently built. An Auction House that has recently been stealing all my customers and business dealings.
Ms... whatever her name was, began to cry hysterically when I growled in frustration. I ignored her as I reread what the letter said:
Rhynon S. Khyra
Owner of Khyra Auction House
We regret to inform you that due to the decrease in sells and business, your Auction that resides in Nest Rose has been politely asked to close down. You are given two weeks to comply or increase sells, provided proof, before a team of skilled people in persuasion is tasked with asking in person. Do note that the owner of Fushigina Auction was the one who was gracious enough to provide you with the extra two weeks instead of this proclamation going into effect immediately.
Luminous Roots Business Ventures Department
Approved 12 Stars
I just couldn't believe their audacity in threatening me but acting as though they're being polite! What utter nonsense! My eyes glanced up to zero in on this lady in front of me again.
"Ments, sir," she mumbled after flinching at my question.
"Ms. Ments, why have you not contacted us to let us know that your branch was having difficulties?
"S-sir, it wasn't my intention to d-do so! Sure, business has b-been s-sslow but we've had our ups and d-downs. I don't know why this is ha-happening," she began to cry again. I wasn't amused and honestly decided that it was best to just send her off.
"Very well. You may leave, Ms.." Damn what was her name again? Oh well. She got up on unsteady legs before hurrying out of the room.
Anger simmered within me as I attempted to control my breaths. Who the fuck did this Fushigina guy think he was?! The only option I could think of was to contact this guy and have a talk to see if we could make some sort of deal. There was no way I'd go to my wife's father for more money to resolve this issue. If I needed to act nice to the other man in order to strike a deal, then I would.
Everything seemed to be going swell with destroying my darling sister's ex-lover. I had sent one of my people that were skilled in persuasion to ask for the man's business to be shut down. Given all the reasoning as to why it should be, it had been rather simple to get an approval.
What I hadn't been expecting was the letter I held in my hands at the moment.
To the Owner of Fushigina Auction House:
I'm writing in regards to a notice I've recently been given. I'd very much appreciate a meeting with you so that we may come to some sort of an agreement that would benefit the both of us.
Sincerely, Rhynon Khyra
This imbecile of a man believed that I would need any sort of benefits that he could procure? Clearly he didn't understand how well off my business ventures amassed. Though it would be fun to see what else I can rip from him. It would be rather amusing to let him believe that I'd possibly agree to some sort of an agreement and then reject it at the end of the meeting.
The more I thought about it, the more amusing the idea became. He must think I'm an idiot if he believes I don't know that he has insufficient amounts of money to try and bribe me. Worst of all, he'd thrown all his eggs in one basket, or so the saying goes. Who would solely rely on one business venture?
I rubbed my thumb and pointer finger together while pinching the paper between them. This could be my chance in finally meeting the man in person. Maybe if I dropped a bit of scandalizing information about how I'd seen a little girl who looked like him he'd feel a bit more on edge. Too bad Lily was attached to Helena, otherwise I'd gladly pawn her off on her father.
With his income steadily dropping it would be a struggle for him to support his bastard child. I let out a sigh. There was just no way that Lily would ever agree with having her daughter leave their home nor allow her to stay with the man. I smiled maliciously as I thought about so many ways to kill the swine who hurt my sister.
"Very well, Rhynon Khyra. I look forward to meeting you finally," I whispered aloud before taking out some parchment to write a response back.
A/N: I was thinking about waiting to publish but oh well. I'll publish it now. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. :)

I'm the Mother of the Heroine? (Book 1)
Fantasy(Highest Ranked: #24 in Fantasy/Magic) THIS IS AN ORIGINAL STORY (2nd Book is already up on my Profile; This one is Complete) I died and when I woke up I had just given birth to a child. Not just any child though, but the Heroine of an Otome game ca...