A/N: I wanted to write a brief interlude during the holidays for my readers since I'm rather busy. Hope you all had and are having an amazing holiday season. Sending lots of glitter fun at you all. (I hate glitter with a flaming passion so it's quite amusing sending my loved ones a bunch of glitter.. hehe.)
Thoughts kept racing through my mind. Images of things that happened or maybe didn't happen kept flickering in my vision. Or was it not vision since my eyes have closed? Was I awake or was I sleeping.
I watched on dispassionately as my hand rose up and tore a throat out; basking in the warm blood that splashed across my person. It felt like the person doing all this killing wasn't even me. Who was this person? Millions of deaths were done in this manner over many years.
Through it all I watched on with only a mere cursory glance. I don't ever remember having black tinted claws. Oh. That's dried blood. Hmm. Another thing that is unlike me was that this person seemed to feast on flesh and blood rather than cooking food like a normal person. Surely this wasn't me.
Who am I? A brief flicker of a woman's silhouette and tinkling laughter caused my chest to clench with pain. What was that? Who was that? She must be beautiful though.
Looking down, there was nothing there. I was incorporeal and nonexistent. Panic started to bud inside of myself but that soon faded away again as well.
Why didn't I have a body? I do have a body though. Weren't those blood stained nails mine? Where did they go?
I floated around this place of nothingness as the images faded away.

I'm the Mother of the Heroine? (Book 1)
Fantasy(Highest Ranked: #24 in Fantasy/Magic) THIS IS AN ORIGINAL STORY (2nd Book is already up on my Profile; This one is Complete) I died and when I woke up I had just given birth to a child. Not just any child though, but the Heroine of an Otome game ca...